The Computer Tutor

The Computer Tutor

Latest Episodes

How to clear cookies for a specific website
January 15, 2018

You probably already know you can go in to your web browser’s settings and clear ALL your cookies for every website you’ve visited. But did you know you can also go in and clear out the cookies for a specific website? You sure can.

What’s a ZIP file anyway?
January 08, 2018

A lot of people have HEARD of “zip files” but are not really familiar with what they are specifically. Here’s how they work. Part of the confusion with this is that it’s not really obvious or clear what is meant by a folder being “zipped”. I mean,

How to move all your files and folders to a new PC
January 01, 2018

Hello Scott, My daughter got me addicted to podcasts, and I follow about 15 different ones.  Yours is the one I look forward to the most.  You provide a great service to a  growing audience.  Thank you. I have a Windows 7 desktop and it’s time for a ne...

How to move captions with pictures in MS Word
December 25, 2017

If you use Word and sometimes put pictures and captions in your documents, you will probably find today’s tip helpful. Sometimes when you have a picture and a caption in Word, and you try to move the picture,

How to display all your font samples in one place
December 18, 2017

Today’s tip comes from a question I got recently: Is there a simple way to type a single word and have it list the font name and display the word, so you have a sample of all your font styles? Thanks – Stephen Yes, Stephen, that is possible!

How to get started with Bitcoin
December 11, 2017

In my podcast a couple of weeks ago I mentioned Bitcoin just in passing, and I had some listener inquiries about it. Obviously it’s been in the news quite a bit recently, and some people are asking about what it is, how it works,

How to change the font size when viewing websites
December 04, 2017

It’s the weirdest thing – as I get older, a lot of websites have decided to make their print size smaller and more difficult to read. So rude of them! But in Chrome (and Firefox), I have the option to make the words bigger.

The new Firefox – better than Chrome?
November 27, 2017

For quite a while, Firefox was my default browser. I’ve been using Chrome as my default for several years now and I really like it. But the new super-fast version of Firefox might be tempting.   When your Firefox gets upgraded to the new version (vers...

Scam victims can get some of their money back
November 20, 2017

I write about scams fairly frequently on this blog. Sometimes it’s because of a new one I’ve just heard about, and I want to warn my readers to be aware of it and not get taken. In some cases, it’s because I’ve just had to deal with a client who has be...

How to easily download Facebook videos to your computer
November 13, 2017

Lots of people are posting videos on Facebook these days. Videos tend to catch a little more attention than a static photo, and a LOT more attention than a simple text post. What if you want to download someone’s video from Facebook and save it to your...