The Computer Tutor

The Computer Tutor

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How to get a daily email preview of your snail mail delivery
August 28, 2017

A little while back I discovered a service that doesn’t cost anything and can sometimes be useful. Now my post office sends me a picture of what the letter carrier will be putting in my mailbox later that day.

Watch out for this tricky AirBnB scam
August 21, 2017

I love Airbnb and I’ve used the service several times. But unfortunately, like with many things today, the scammers have figured out a way to trick you out of your money using the Airbnb service. Here’s how it works and how you can avoid it.

The secret repair trick that techs don’t want you to know
August 14, 2017

Recently a client called me in a panic, because he was in the middle of using his laptop and suddenly it shut off and now it wouldn’t boot up again. By all appearances, his laptop was just dead. Here’s how we handled it.   I have to tell you,

Google wants your phone number – so give it to them
August 07, 2017

Everyone seems to be in a panic about privacy these days. All the big companies want to know everything about you, and most people are reluctant to give up any more information than they really need to (with one exception – we willingly tell Facebook e...

Case study of a client who was (almost) scammed
July 31, 2017

Online scams are a huge problem, and it seems like they won’t be going away anytime soon. I recently had a client who almost got scammed and wasn’t even aware of it until I explained what happened.   Laura contacted me about buying one of my refurbish...

Why do my incoming emails show the wrong time?
July 24, 2017

Had this come up with a client recently. His email inbox was constantly showing the wrong time for incoming emails. He could receive an email at 2 pm, and yet when he looked at that email, it would show that it arrived at 9 pm. In fact,

Finding and destroying Facebook hoaxes
July 17, 2017

Recently, Facebook has been overrun with all kinds of warnings about hackers and viruses. I’ve gotten numerous direct Facebook messages from friends, alerting me of these problems and encouraging me to forward the same message to all of my contacts.

How I customize Chrome
July 10, 2017

Chrome is great even if you just leave it alone and use it with the default settings. But I like to customize and “tweak” it a few different ways to make it even better.   Basically what I’m describing here today is the process I go through when I’m s...

MS Office not working properly? Here’s a quick fix
July 03, 2017

Microsoft Office is a group of programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and others. Most of the time these programs work fine, but occasionally they can misbehave. What a lot of people don’t know is that there’s a quick fix you should try b...

Is it time for you to upgrade to Windows 10?
June 26, 2017

Windows 10 has been out for almost 2 years now. If you’re still running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, is it time for you to upgrade? Maybe.   A little background first. If you’ve been reading this blog or listening to my podcast for the past couple of yea...