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Here’s What You Need to Know about the Prepaid Market in Canada
August 11, 2020

One of the most innovative and fastest growing segments of the Canadian payments industry is prepaid. Despite the rapid growth and striking innovation, the size of the market and number of companies involved has remained largely unexamined—until now.

Driving Gig Economy Innovation with a Digital Banking Platform
July 27, 2020

Payments innovation is no longer driven by huge banks with coast-to-coast branch networks but by smaller, entrepreneurial providers with the vision and passion to democratize payments and embed them into business operations. But how do these startups,

The Growing Trend of Digitization in Commercial Banking
July 22, 2020

Banking is a technology business at its very core. Other than the financial shocks and repercussions of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, nothing has shaped the banking industry more in the past decade than developments in financial technology (fint...

Now is the Time for Fuel Merchants to Upgrade to EMV Card Acceptance
July 21, 2020

Even though the deadline was extended to April 17, 2021, many fuel merchants are unprepared to meet the upcoming EMV at the pump requirement. Those that don’t upgrade their fuel dispensers to an EMV reader before the deadline face costs and risks.

Identity Checks during the Account Creation Process Are More Important Than You Think
July 14, 2020

Identity checks during the account creation process are not simply a compliance exercise. They also present a golden opportunity to build trust and loyalty with consumers. By applying the most effective identity verification method based on the level o...

How Merchants Are Rethinking Commerce and Their Digital Footprint
July 13, 2020

With the global pandemic forcing many physical businesses to close and people to remain indoors, the commerce landscape has been severely impacted. Consumers are often unable or unwilling to shop in physical stores,

This Is What Your Good User and Bad User Traffic Looks like during a Pandemic
July 09, 2020

With physical stores shuttered, events canceled, and tourism at a standstill, COVID-19 has reshaped many aspects of day-to-day life. As result, consumers have been forced to shift their spending to online channels. Since March,

Digital Transformation and the Role of Omni-Commerce Payments
July 07, 2020

Digital transformation has extended into all aspects of retail space. Consumers acclimated to the on-demand economy have come to expect convenience, reliability, speed, and an expanding array of options, including choices in payment and delivery.

Managing Credit Portfolios Amid COVID-19 and Beyond
June 30, 2020

By forcing people across the nation into unemployment and shattering the profitability of individual companies and entire verticals, COVID-19 has sent the United States into an economic recession unlike any before. Consequently,

Choosing the Right Fintech Partner
June 26, 2020

Every member of the payments value chain is confronted with a bewildering variety of options when seeking to partner with a fintech to retain their competitive edge, reduce costs, and build a better user experience.