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The Time to Revitalize Debit Rails is Now
September 28, 2021

Debit is the most popular payment method both in the United States and globally. Influenced by the growing popularity of digital payments and evolving consumer preferences, it is projected that debit

Digital Wallets Are in Store for In-Store Shopping
September 21, 2021

Thanks in large part to COVID-19, global digital wallet usage surged three years ahead of expectations in 2020. As a result, it is now more important than ever for merchants to provide an easy, fricti

Why Banks Need to Rethink Their Cross-Border Payment Operating Models
September 15, 2021

The cross-border payments market is seeing an influx of new players that are bringing with them both new payment options and cross-border value-added services. To make the most of the partnerships the

Who Runs the World? APIs.
December 22, 2020

These days, most of what businesses and individuals do on the web involves interacting with APIs, or application programming interfaces, which are an essential pillar of many of the online services we have come to rely on.

Refinitiv Acquires GIACT, Enhances Cyber Crime Fighting Capabilities
December 21, 2020

There’s no doubt that all this staying home is boring, so it’s no wonder people have picked up new hobbies since the start of the pandemic. Some folks have taken to puzzles or Sudoku, while others prefer to binge watch every season of Ozark.

Secure Data Aggregation Puts the Consumer in Control
December 18, 2020

The financial services industry is constantly evolving, and the way financial data is stored, shared, and used is no exception. To meet the expectations of consumers who want to streamline  financial management,

The Rise of Platforms: Managing Complex Payments Flows with Orchestration
December 17, 2020

Payment gateways have never been more popular than during COVID-19, and the size of the market is only growing as digital commerce accelerates. With grocery stores, sporting goods manufacturers, and home improvement retailers becoming more essential to...

This New Solution Enables Merchants to Stop Chargebacks Before They Occur
December 15, 2020

E-commerce has grown exponentially in recent months, providing a way for merchants to stay afloat amid the throes of the ongoing pandemic. Unfortunately, along with that growth comes an increase in fraud and chargebacks.

The SPENDemic: Holiday Shopping During COVID-19
December 10, 2020

COVID-19 has changed everything about the way we live, and this trend doesn’t seem to be pausing for the holidays. Parties are significantly smaller or nonexistent, many out-of-state family members won’t be returning home,

On-Demand Pay: What Does the CFPB Have to Say About It?
December 09, 2020

Over the years, consumers have become accustomed to getting what they want when they want it, usually by doing no more than clicking a few buttons. They can watch new shows by the season, get same day shipping from marketplaces like Amazon,