Daily Whispers

Daily Whispers

Latest Episodes

Do you have misconnect syndrome?
April 07, 2023

Misconnects between body-brain and mind happen all of the time. We forget stuff, get distracted and lose our train of thought. Is that you?

Are you in a trance?
April 03, 2023

The definition of a trance is a half-conscious state. Are you in one? These days it's easy to fall into a trance. Sound the alarm. Wake up now!

Trust the intelligence beneath the suffering
March 30, 2023

Beneath the discomfort you may be feeling in your body, heart and mind awaits your supreme intelligence. And it's working for you!

Menopause Mindset. Are you Fixed or Open?
March 27, 2023

Fixed or open? Discover the mindsets Ive identified in myself and other women that are strolling or suffering through the menopause cycle.

Be HER now. Are you ready?
March 23, 2023

What would it take for you to be herto be that woman you imagine and know yourself to be? Who is she, who is that woman beneath the layers?

Step UP not DOWN in Life
March 20, 2023

Menopause is an opportunity to step up, not down in life. Im learning just how important it is to maintain that positive mindset.

Oh YES you can!
March 17, 2023

Yes, you can. Its an amazing mantra especially when the inner critic takes over. Use it as a reminder, like a whisper from your own soul.

Sisters. You are not alone!
March 15, 2023

I heard again and again how many of uswomen in our 40s, 50s, and 60sfeel alone in our struggles with menopause and more

What is too small for you?
March 12, 2023

Consider this powerful sentence by poet David Whyte. Anything or anyone who doesn't make you come alive is too small for you.

What if we all shined?
February 22, 2023

I'm freaking excited for us to shine. And, I cannot wait to share where I'm headed next and who I am inspired to walk alongside of.
