Cara Bradley

Cara Bradley

Latest Episodes

How to play simple
September 16, 2022

Play simple. It’s enough. Simple is powerful, but not easy. And, sometimes we need to go through complexity to find it.

Touching Home Base
September 15, 2022

Being centered is like touching or standing on home base. I share how to return to center when life knocks you off balance.

Connecting with unbridled power
September 14, 2022

Unbridled power is like a firehose on full blast. It's unstoppable. When are blocked, we get kinked up—just like a garden hose.

Letting yourself be sparked
September 13, 2022

Give yourself permission to be sparked! These bursts of insight and creativity are happening all of the time. And, you may be missing them.

Music is a gateway
September 12, 2022

Music has the power to transport us immediately. The right song can stop our world from spinning and quickly shift our state.

You are powerful beyond measure
September 09, 2022

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

A practice of centering
September 08, 2022

Coming home to your center is one of the most powerful practices you can have in your pocket. Listen in to practice.

How to have more stablity
September 07, 2022

Stability. It’s the balance between strength and flexibility and it allows you to walk in this world feeling calm, clear and confident.

Do this over and over—every day
September 06, 2022

Do this over and over — every day. Remember who you are. Go beneath the noise of your daily life and connect with your self and source.

How to handle morning dread
September 05, 2022

Morning dread. Learn what to do when you wake up with your mind racing about everything you need, can't do, should do, didn't do.