The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Vacation & Recreation Plans for the Rest of Us
July 14, 2011

Next Step #162: Making a vacation a true opportunity for recreation is a Christian calling during summer and year-round. Here’s a chance to enjoy the best of God’s world without leaving home. Dizzy Gillespie hit the jazz note and you got a buzz, now t

Miracles from Another Vantage Point
July 07, 2011

Next Step #161: Find the Miracles in your life by taking a look from a different vantage point. Beyond the thunder and lightning, here is a challenge to view miracles from the vantage point of God – it's more than the blind seeing and the paralyzed walk

Duduks, Art and the Artist: A Spiritual Journey
July 01, 2011

Next Step #160: An Interview with Gregory Beylerian – Here is a dialogue that opens the heart and mind to the resonating meditative tone that leads the spiritual quest. In this candid conversation between artist Gregory Beylerian and Fr. Vazken the brea

Resonating to Turn Condemnation to Salvation
June 23, 2011

Next Step #159: The power that resides in each of us, is also part and fabric of the universe, it resides outside of us. Belief and faith means going beyond the ordinary and the expected. Armodoxy is the path that challenges us to find harmony within ours

Live from the Lounge: 4th Anniversary
June 16, 2011

Next Step #158: The Fourth Anniversary of the Next Step is celebrated “Live at the Lounge” with an open microphone on Suzie, Ani and Ken. Fr. Vazken shares thoughts about technology and ministry in this special edition. Closing thoughts – Fr. Vazken

God’s Concert at the Pops
June 09, 2011

Next Step #157: Finishing off Year #3 of the Next Step – a look at the “pop theology” in Armodoxy. Twitter’s 140 characters opens an opportunity for articulation; God's Concert is orchestrated when He’s in charge; Patience. Geronimo Pratt passes

Ascension (Hampartzoum) Offensive
June 02, 2011

Next Step #156: Forty days after Easter - it's the feast of Ascension (Hampartzoum). Drop the superstitions and get into gear – a look at Matthew 28:16-20 as a message for then and now. Fr. Vazken looks for inclusion in the 1933 King Kong tribe and the

Finding the Better Jesus
May 26, 2011

Next Step #155: Three statements about God:  From Harold Camping's destructive news of world’s end (5/21/2011), to Serj Tankian's criticism of organized religion (PTL/PTA) to Oprah's “Team” (and Jesus), Fr. Vazken explores the understanding of

Moving Mountains before the End of Time
May 20, 2011

Next Step #154: The “healing” Gospel of the Armenian Church: Mark 11 is explored in the context of the rites of the Armenian Orthodox Church. (Explained: Mashdotz/Mayr & Hayr Mashdotz) Jesus gives a lesson of mind over matter and the ability to sh

Tying Up Water and Other Excuses
May 13, 2011

Next Step #153: Christianity beyond the names; Fr. Vazken explores the excuses for covering our guilt as Christians as he looks at the Fast for Darfur; it’s implications and strength in commemorating atrocities. Picking on homosexuality: what Christians