The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Doubts From The Desert Floor
May 05, 2011

Next Step #152: From the desert floor broadcasting the message of Armodoxy. Part 1 of an exploration and unraveling of the Armenian Orthodox faith – what is the message under the institution. Will & Kate, Osama’s capture start a discussion of ethi

Post Easter Victory for Victims
April 28, 2011

Next Step #151: Easter celebrations are over, Genocide commemorations have stopped, but the real work of In His Shoes continues in highlighting Resurrection over Crucifixion. Recap and commentary on the Fast for Darfur. Defining the Church as the Sacred B

And the Two Shall Meet
April 21, 2011

Next Step #150: An Easter Special in complete Armodox Tradition. Life over death, love over hatred, light over darkness, good over evil, Govya Yerousaghem over Ee Verin. April 24 is transformed by the unfailing words of Rev. 21:4 - a day when there will b

Working Class Weapons
April 15, 2011

Next Step #149: Preparing for the meeting of Light & Darkness – Easter and Armenian Genocide Commemoration – a year in the planning via In His Shoes. Jesus was open to the possibility of learning and the "working class hero" opens our minds. Churc

Born Again to the End Times
April 08, 2011

Next Step #148: Back from Phoenix through the Arizona/California desert, in time for the Sunday of Advent. Earthquakes, upheaval in the Middle East, Economy – what does it all mean? The “Signs of the Times?” A look at Scripture for answers – explo

Weapons of Choice for Overloaded Anxiety
April 01, 2011

Next Step #147: Cesar Chavez day: looking beyond the self and caring for the community. Armodoxy: Life of Activism; War & Peace - Making Faith the Weapon of Choice; Gabriel in Darfur at the refugee camps and the upcoming Fast for Darfur; Spiritual and

Spring over the Hurdle of Fear
March 24, 2011

Next Step #146: Updates on Darfur from Gabriel and the iAct team; Other solutions for Libya, are within our tradition of Armodoxy – dream of peace. Living beyond the sword; The quadruple dangers of Japan’s earthquake: fear joins in with the tsunami an

Blue Prints in Toronto
March 17, 2011

Next Step #145: This St. Patrick's Day, join us for some Armenian Scotch. Coming from Japan: earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, the worst is fear. Jesus’ words: “Do Not Fear” is a call during these anxiety filled times. Superman and God: who

Hacking through Lent
March 10, 2011

Next Step #144: Reflections on the Gathering for Darfur – Gor Mkhitarian, Ara Dabandjian and Melineh Kurdian share their talent at the March 6 In His Shoes event. At the end of the day – the miracle is obvious: the focus has shifted and we’re on our

Hitchcock’s Twist to Vartanantz
March 03, 2011

Next Step #143: Vartanantz and a Hitchcockian twist to the old story. Teaching morality through MTV? Is Fox any better? Birthplaces: Romance to reality, they do change! First Amendment rights of abusers of the Christian name – the Supreme Court decides.