The Next Step

The Next Step

Latest Episodes

Declaring What is Evident
September 22, 2011

Next Step #172: Twenty years of independence for Armenia gives cause to reflect on "declaring what is self-evident" and how to take the next step to actualize dreams of independence - personally and as an institution. Determining which laws are just and w

Ecclesiastical-Evolution: Head-Body Coordination
September 16, 2011

Next Step #171: "Mush-Rope" is the way to say it. Armenian Orthodoxy in the New World and the New Era: Apologetic with no apology! Allowing evolution to take its course in the church. Coordinating the head and the body - allows us to say YES to Christ's m

Remove the Plank and find 9/11 under the Basil
September 09, 2011

Next Step #170: The 10th anniversary of the Terror Attacks of 9/11 coincides with the Elevation of the Holy Cross. 10 years of change, of war and opportunities - some seized, some missed. Armodoxy as a challenge to take the Next Step by walking in the sho

Working for Purpose & Meaning
September 01, 2011

Next Step #169: Labor Day - an opportunity to look for purpose and meaning in our work and our lives. Avoiding the path of distortion. If God is "calling" am I listening? If God is "calling" am I answering? Armenianism beyond Kim and baklava. Premiere of

Caring for Youth: Getting Real
August 25, 2011

Next Step #168: Interview with Linda Maxwell, co-founder of We Care for Youth and facilitator for In His Shoes Ministries. Caring for youth is a calling for Linda Maxwell. She does so with love, care and compassion. Here she discusses her work with kids,

A Hug to the Message
August 18, 2011

Next Step #167: Hug from the lady who lost Max and the importance of human touch. Science & religion met at the grape blessing as they do in all things Christ-centered. The victims of the sexual revolution and the claim-to-fame of the famous. Divorce

Productivity and Vine-caretaking
August 11, 2011

Next Step #166: Exploring further the Mother of God as an expression of connecting to the TRUE vine - John 15 - Productivity by staying connected to the Vine and yielding the Fruit of Love (Finally! Grapeblessing explained). Armodoxy and St. Mary - Bringi

The Mother of Love: A Different Perspective
August 04, 2011

Next Step #165: In preparation of the feast of Assumption, Fr. Vazken takes a step toward understanding St. Mary as a model for saying yes to Love. This is more than the story of an angel visiting the Blessed Mother of God, it's about a visit we receive d

The Center Light is Greater than the Law & the Prophets
July 28, 2011

Next Step #164: The elements of the Transfiguration of the Lord are looked at through the lens of Armenian Orthodoxy. Making sense of the water feast of Vartevar. Part 2 of 2 on the theme - understanding the CENTER figure as between Law and Prophet. (Part

Transfiguring into Light
July 21, 2011

Next Step #163: Understanding Light as a function of temperature and not lumens. Fr. Vazken takes the listener on a journey to the Beginning, when light meant more than a sun ray, cf. “I am the Light of the World” – Jesus Christ. This is the first o