Mysteries Of The Mind

Mysteries Of The Mind

Latest Episodes

Mysteries of the Mind | Episode #3 | “How and Why Do People Get Better In Therapy”
January 04, 2019

Psychotherapy helps people in two ways. First, it helps people understand how their minds work which usually helps free them from repeating irrational and destructive patterns. Second, the therapist seeks to help patient have corrective emotional exp...

Mysteries Of The Mind | Episode #2 | “The Power Of An Apology”
January 04, 2019

Heartfelt apologies are rarely given but, when given, are usually profoundly healing. People resist apologizing because it opens the door to feelings of terrible guilt. Having committed a hurtful offense becomes (falsely) equated in our minds with b...

Mysteries Of The Mind | Episode #1 | “Forgiveness is Overrated”
January 01, 2019

Popular culture celebrates the importance of forgiveness, particularly of children forgiving their parents. Unfortunately, too often such forgiveness is simply a repetition of a universal, albeit self-destructive tendency in children to let their pare...

Mysteries of the Mind Episode 8-- The Man Behind the Wall
April 30, 2012

Episode 8-- The Man Behind the Wall: Seth Stone is about to have his wishes come true. After purc...
