Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Latest Episodes

Good Customer Service – Doesn’t Mean Caving In!
November 16, 2016

Is the Customer Always Right? Think good customer service, and you are often told  – ‘The customer is always right.’ But if you have ever handled customer service issues, you know this isn’t exactly true. This statement isn’t m

Sales Prospecting System
November 14, 2016

If you have been looking for a sales prospecting system that guarantees results then please read on as I think I have found one. The bottom line is that a large majority of salespeople struggle to get in front of enough prospects to keep their sales... T

Progress Not Perfection – After Dinner Speaker Topic
November 13, 2016

As an after dinner speaker, it is my role to provide the audience with pearls of advice that will make a difference in their lives. I have made it my mission to research and interview hundreds of the most effective people in business, sport and the a

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 009
November 12, 2016

In this weeks episode, we are going to look at a prospecting system that guarantees results! We are also going to be looking at the importance of a positive mindset and the 6 habits to practice to makes sure you have one. Download Podcast Transcript...

Using Amazon For Influence
November 11, 2016

Google is the top ranked internet search engine, followed by YouTube. Do you know who is in third place? Amazon. Also relevant to marketers seeking to use Amazon for influence is that, Amazon is the Number one search engine when looking for products a

Mindset And Success – How You Control Both
November 08, 2016

Mindset and success two words often used in the same sentence. This article explains why they work with each other and are often talked about together. How many times have you heard business experts emphasize the crucial role that our mindset plays in det

Productivity Tip From A Breakfast Motivation Speaker
November 07, 2016

Most people book the services of a breakfast motivation speaker to get their teams productivity levels fired up to perform. The irony is that the custodians of the best pieces of advice are often already sitting in the audience. The old adage goes “

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 008
November 05, 2016

This episode looks at what experts in the field of human behavior know and that is how we act and perceive things has a lot to do with the voices that we listen to inside our heads. By knowing that our inner voice can determine...

Good Sales Coach Tip – Find out If Your Prospect Is A Buyer
November 03, 2016

Any good sales coach will have dealt with sales people who are busy with clients but actually unsure whether the work they are doing will lead to a sale. Nine times out of ten it is because the sales person cannot tell if the prospect... The post Good Sal

Stand Out From Competitors – The Role Of A Great FAQ
November 01, 2016

Developing a comprehensive FAQ will help you streamline your customer service and have you stand out from competitors. FAQ stands for ‘frequently asked questions.’ These are the most common questions your customers ask when they get hold of on