Mind Declutter with Athea Davis

Mind Declutter with Athea Davis

Latest Episodes

Ep. 90: Winning 2021 - Intentions, Word Stones, and Fire Ceremony
December 30, 2020

Learn the mindset tools and practices to release stress, grief, and loss from the prior year and create a more empowered vision and plan for the new year ahead.

Ep. 89: Taking a Heart-Centered Journey with Moncef Afkir
December 13, 2020

Learn how to tune into the discernment of your heart, using the heart and mind together, to discover the answers you may be seeking along your journey.

Ep. 88: Introducing Affirmations to Kids
November 29, 2020

Learn how to teach your kids to shift their negative self-talk to a more empowering inner dialogue using affirmations.

Ep. 87: Entering Your Brave Zone with Heather Chauvin
November 15, 2020

Learn how to let go, control less, align more, and step into your brave zone so you can start living life instead of life living you.

Ep. 86: Optimizing Your Health
November 01, 2020

Learn my latest tips and tricks that I’ve been personally using to optimize my mind and body from the inside out.

Ep. 85: Understanding the Real Self with Sujan Shah
October 18, 2020

Understanding the nature of self, and the difference between the self (our ego) and the real Self (our spiritual nature).

Ep. 84: Nature and Mental Health with Jesse Cody
October 12, 2020

Nature can be a healing force for anyone struggling with mental health issues.

Ep. 83: Whole Child Education with Jennifer Appel
October 04, 2020

Learn about whole child education and how it can help you create a positive culture in your classroom, school, or home so youth and educators can thrive on all levels.

Ep. 82: A Heart-Filled Meditation
September 27, 2020

Practice this heart-filled meditation to shift unpleasant thoughts and emotions, and navigate challenge with more ease.

Ep. 81: Mindfulness Around the World with Helen Maffini
September 19, 2020

Discover the mindfully-centered social and emotional skills your kids and students need to thrive in any environment.