The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

Latest Episodes

MR71311:"Moed Bet...In Israel, Sometimes You Get a Second Chance"
July 13, 2011

And that is exactly what Israel has done in dealing with repeated attempts to illegally break the Naval blockade set up to prevent arms smuggling into Gaza, flotilla or airlift... Israels successful thwarting of "Summer Flotilla II" and the attempted "H

MR70111:"In Israel, The Future is NOW...For Sale: Completely Electric Car, Re-Charging Network Included"
July 01, 2011

The story of Shai Agassi and his revolutionary "Better Place" start-up...How it happened, how the system works, why it's better than hybrids... The first step towards eliminating the world's need for arab oil?... Also...The Dutch parliament takes the fi

MR62411:"The Onslaught on Judaism Continues...Attempts to Ban Circumcision in America...Now, It's "No More Kosher Meat" in Europe"
June 24, 2011

Attacks on the proposed ban to criminalize Jewish ritual circumcision (brit milah) in San Francisco, California, USA spread to the legal and federal legislative fronts... But the King of the Zulus has requested (and received) Israeli aid in achieving hi

MR61511:"Evil Decrees Against the Jews...History Repeats Itself...In America!!"
June 15, 2011

The newest, yet oldest form of institutionalized anti-semitism gains momentum in the United States... The author of the San Francisco bill created these hate-filled anti-semitic comic books to further the cause of stripping Jews of their right to practi

MR6511:"Israel Successfully Defends Her Northern Border, As Hordes of Hostile Arabs Swarmed the International Border Fence Today"
June 05, 2011

A special report, live from Israel... All this and more on “The Marty Roberts Show”…

MR52511:"Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses a Joint Session of the U.S. Congresss..To Resounding American Support From Both Sides of the Aisle"
May 25, 2011

NO return to the 1967 Auschwitz borders... NO division of Israel's capital, Jerusalem... NO return of so-called palestinian refugees inside of Israel's borders... NO negotiations with the palestinian Al-Queda, Hamas... And, of course, the palestinians m

MR52011:"Barak Obama's Middle East Policy Speech...Has The American President Completely Lost Touch With Reality?"
March 25, 2011

He has to be either ignorant and uninformed, totally naive...or totally hostile to America's best allies in the Middle East ... That's the only possible explanation for the content of his policy speech at the US State Department yesterday. How can h

MR51311:"Israel Celebrates Independence Day...63 Years Young"
March 18, 2011

And her citizens are, for the most part, happy with the Middle East's only real democracy...The modern Jewish State of Israel... Also... "The Terminator", Arnold Shwarzenegger speaks out on Israel... Nefesh B'Nefesh celebrates the year's new immigrant

MR31311:"Sabbath-Night Slaughter in Itamar, Israel"
March 13, 2011

How can ANY human being, let alone two together, slit the throat of a 3-month-old baby lying in her father's arms?...How can anybody with even the remanants of a human sould stab sleeping children in the heart...again and again?...How can an entire natio

MR3411:"If the Jews REALLY DO Control Hollywood, the Media and the Fashion Industry...Why So Much Anti-Semitism?"
March 04, 2011

Charlie Sheen in lets it out against his hit TV show co-creator, Chuck Lorre in a fuzzy-brained anti-Semitic tirade in Hollywood... House of Dior's chief designer John Galliano goes on a drunken rampage in Paris, spewing love for Hitler and leaving a tr