The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

Latest Episodes

MR22411:"Can a Society That Oppresses Fifty Percent of It's Population Really be Considered a Democracy?"
February 24, 2011

Where is the concern for women's rights in the liberal press and Western democratic societies? Why did the brutal sexual assault on CBS reporter Lara Logan go unreported in the media for 3+ days? The euphoric optimism across the political spectrum in t

MR21611:""Democratic" Revolutions in the Arab Middle East May Well Be the End of the Road for Christianity in the Region"
February 16, 2011

Iran, Iraq, the Palestinian Authority...All have experienced and continue to perpetuate ethnic cleansing of their Christian populations once the "democratic" revolutions have taken place...Why expect anything different in Egypt, Yemen, Jordan or Tunisia?

MR21011:"The IDF...Israel's Unique and Wonderful Fighting Force"
February 10, 2011

Israeli military medics delivering palestinian babies... Plus...Women in the IDF... The story of Israeli Christian model Anna King... The fighting female airborne mechanics of the Israeli Air Force... And...Bedouin trackers in the Israeli Army...Isr

MR2211:"Power to the People...The Surge Towards Democracy in the Arab Middle East"
February 02, 2011

A tidal wave of populist uprisings are sweeping the Arab Middle East, starting with Tunisia and spreading into Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and beyond... The Arab people are screaming for democracy, demanding a change of the old order, removal of benign and n

MR11211:"Blood Libel...The Anti-Semitic Fairy Tale That Refuses to Die"
January 12, 2011

And the new, improved anti-Israel, anti-Zionist versions are being created, produced, directed and disseminated by...ISRAELI JEWS!!! But the funding is from, of all places...foreign governments around the world. This show explores the myths, the 21st-c

MR10411:"A World Without Israel...What Would It Be Like?"
January 04, 2011

When my wife pointed out that the new joy of my life, my Amazon Kindle, would not exist were it not for Israeli technology, I began to think... Just what else would the world be missing were it not for the existence of the 100th smallest country in the

MR12310:"It's Payback Time in Israel...The World Responds as Northern Israel Burns"
December 03, 2010

The fires burning out of control in the Carmel region of Israel are unprecedented in scope... Tens of lives already lost, tens of thousands evacuated from their homes...and the end is not yet in sight... The major industrial port city of Haifa is once

MR112510:"Can Israel Risk Her Future on a Promise by the President of the United States?"
November 25, 2010

The American president is not omnipotent. Another president, another time, any agreements made by a predecessor can be voided or countermanded. Then, there's the U.S.Congress that sometimes just seems to have a will of it's own now, doesn't it?... Hi

MR111910:Liar, Liar, Pants on fire...Is Bibi Netanyahu About to Break His Promise to the Israeli Government and the Jewish People?
November 19, 2010

Just what is Obama, Clinton and Co. offering Israel to extend the freezing of construction of Jewish homes in parts of Israel that is so great that it is worth Israel's Prime Minister breaching his promise to his government and the Israeli people? Also.

MR11810:Special Double Feature: "A Bad Week for Two Baraks" and "Wake Up, Christians, Jews and Historians...Time to Re-Claim Your History and Your Bible"
November 08, 2010

The US President Barak receives a strong message from American voters, while Israeli Labor Party Leader Barak receives a similar message from the leader of the Histadrut Labor Union... Also...The United States subjects itself to a severe dressing down b