The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

The Marty Roberts Show: Staying Real in Israel

Latest Episodes

MR012012:"Life is Good in Israel...In Spite of What You May Read, Hear and See on the News"
January 20, 2012

Listen to how the divides and social riffs in Israel are narrowing, as Israeli society and the Israeli economy moves forward on all fronts...How the role of women and the ultra-Orthodox is evolving and advancing...contrary to the much reported problems i

MR012012:"Life is Good in Israel...In Spite of What You May Read, Hear and See on the News"
January 20, 2012

Most of Israeli society is thriving, and the movement is in all the right directions...

MR011012:"Call It What You May...Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit or the Holy Jewish Temple Mount - The 5000 Year Story of Judaism's Holiest Site"
January 10, 2012

Archeologists just found an item actually used by the Jewish priests in the Temple Service in Jerusalem

MR011012:"Call It What You May...Mount Moriah, Har HaBayit or the Holy Jewish Temple Mount - The 5000 Year Story of Judaism's Holiest Site"
January 10, 2012

Every thing you ever wanted or needed to know about the history of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.. Every thing you ever wanted or needed to know about the history of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.. From the binding of Isaac by the Jewis

MR10312:"Tweeting for Terror...Twitter, Facebook and Other Social Media are Being Used and Abused By Known Terrorist Organizations"
January 03, 2012

We're talking the likes of Hizbullah and Al-Quaeda here...Why isn't anybody doing anything about this???

MR10312:"Tweeting for Terror...Twitter, Facebook and Other Social Media are Being Used and Abused By Known Terrorist Organizations"
January 03, 2012

Not Twitter, not the American State Department, not the U.S. Department of Justice...They seem to be more concerned with going after on-line poker sites and catching people downloading episodes of TV shows and computer games than international Jihad...

MR122711:"Staying Real in Israel - Special Hanukkah Edition...With a Focus on American and Diaspora Jewry"
December 27, 2011

As new immigrant "olim" to Israel continue to arrive, just in time for Hanukkah, questions arise about Jewish life in the diaspora, and especially America, where the second largest Jewish community resides. If you are Jewish and living in exile from Isr

MR122011:"Israeli Women in Black...Jews and Muslims Alike...Covered From Head to Toe in Black Sheets"
December 20, 2011

With more and more women in Israel covering themselves from head to toe in black burkas, it would be a good time to look at what this phenomenon is all about. What are the roots of female dress in Islam historically? How is this affected by modern fund

MR121311:"As The Cold, Dark Winter Descends on the Still Smoldering Arab Spring, A Serious Question Must Be Addressed..."
December 13, 2011

The results of early rounds in the Egyptian elections make it clear that the largest, most powerful Arab country in the Middle East is going to be run by fundamentalist Islamic jihadist parties. These parties clearly call for the Islamic Sharia Law to b

MR12611:"A Tale of Three Statesmen...Clinton, Panetta and Gutman...NOT!!!"
December 06, 2011

They have all made headline-grabbing statements about Israel in public forums in the past week...All of which were mis-informed, ignorant, wrong and harmful to the Jewish State... Find out what they said and why they should have kept their mouths shut..