Marketing Secrets (2013-2014)
Latest Episodes
What I Learned At A Lindsey Sterling Concert
Last night I saw one of the most powerful uses of the “attractive character” ever. Let me show you how Lindsey Sterling used the “attractive character” to get her audience to fall in love with her.
To Grow Or Not To Grow
When is it smart to expand and grow your company vs keeping it small and lean?
Amateurs Focus On The Front End
A simple lesson that Russell learned from his carpet cleaner.
Transforming Your Art Into A Replicatable Science
How coaching people, through what you do naturally everyday, can change your business forever.
Rework Vs. Remote
An interesting look on how to build a hundred million dollar company.
The Secret Pre-Frame
The new pre-frame that almost always doubles conversions on any type of Facebook traffic campaigns.
Results From The Jujitsu Tournament
Short message from Russell on his drive home from the tournament. And how, what he learned this weekend, relates to your business.
Thoughts On Russell’s Jujitsu Match
Structuring your business so you can do what you really love.
A Message From Russell At 4:13 AM
Why Russell deleted his entire webinar and spent the last 4 hours rebuilding it from scratch.