Marketing Secrets (2013-2014)

Marketing Secrets (2013-2014)

Latest Episodes

Work Your Way In Vs. Buy Your Way In
August 08, 2014

The easy way to get to the top.

What She Missed At The Luau
August 04, 2014

The secret of being present all the time.

Tie A String Around Your Tooth And Slam The Door
July 21, 2014

Lessons in success from my 8 year old son.

Lead Or Gold
July 07, 2014

How to trick your mind to get crap done.

The Chaos Behind The Launch
July 03, 2014

What really happened over the last three days…

Your Mental Shelf Space
June 24, 2014

How to stop focusing on the good things, so you can grow the great things.

Problems Or Solutions?
June 17, 2014

Are you the type of person who finds problems or are you the type of person who finds answers? Find out who you are on today’s exciting episode!

Paleo Juicing Hippies
June 16, 2014

Russell’s test for increasing his energy and focus for this week.

Time, Opportunity Cost, Serve First
June 02, 2014

Why you should never ask somebody for free advice.

May 29, 2014

The little app that helps me get done three times more than anyone else I know.