Marketing Secrets (2013-2014)

Marketing Secrets (2013-2014)

Latest Episodes

Random Ramblings From Russell On His Way To Jujitsu
April 17, 2014

Four life lessons that Russell learned this week, that you can implement to, hopefully, make your life a little bit better.

The Butterjuice Cleanse
April 14, 2014

Russell’s new concoction to give him more energy, flush out his toxins, and loose a ton of weight in a very, very short period of time.

Converting Buyers Into Clients
April 11, 2014

Russell shares his hypothesis for the best way to convert his buyers into actual coaching clients. Listen in to see if this will work for your business as well.

Max Out Your Tax Bracket
April 04, 2014

A simple three step strategy to make sure you’re in the highest tax bracket.

What Percentage Are You Taking Home?
April 01, 2014

Russell’s new strategy to take home more money without increasing sales, and what’s the #1 reason why business exists…

Look What Attraction Marketing Brought To Me
March 28, 2014

Over the last 30 days we completely shifted our target market, our ideal customer, and how we communicate with our audience and the results have been amazing…

A Tweak On The Daily Seinfeld Emails
March 25, 2014

Russell just had an epiphany that changes the way he will forever communicate with his email list. Listen to this podcast episode to find out what it is and how you can apply it too.

The One Thing
March 24, 2014

How to increase your conversions by un-muddying your offers, and a whole bunch more…

What If An Offer Doesn’t Work?
March 20, 2014

Russell will walk you through the process he goes through when one of his offers doesn’t convert like he wants it to.

Changing Your Bait
March 19, 2014

Want to change your customers… Change your bait. A simple way to attract the right customers into your business.