Marketing Money Podcast

Marketing Money Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 121 | Unique Campaigns Must Stand Alone
March 18, 2021

Everyone wants a groundbreaking bank marketing campaign until it comes time to put it in the field without a track record of prior results to lean on. If you’re going to be unique, then by very definition you’ll be spending some time alone.

Episode 120 | How Much Communication Is Too Much?
February 25, 2021

Marketers have all but ruined email as a mode of commercial communication through an excessive addiction to the Send button. Re-earning our customers willingness to listen is a project well worth und

Episode 119 | The Name You Know
February 04, 2021

On the eve of the Superb Owl, our dynamic duo considers the value of name recognition and the different methods through which it is achieved. How do people learn of products organically, and how can banks capitalize on that for bank marketing programs ...

Episode 118 | Banking On The Digital Experience
January 21, 2021

Capitalizing on FinTech is the latest trend and set of buzzwords in the bank marketing world, but how do we make sure theres actually a quality experience there to be had by our customers? Its easy

Episode 117 | Re-evaluating A World Turned Upside Down
January 07, 2021

This year has been a time of re-evaluation for many things. From our personal lives at home to our habits as consumers in the wider world, the places where weve paid attention are not necessarily tho

Episode 116 | See What the Survey Says, Part 2
December 10, 2020

Opportunities to expand mobile banking services cant be considered optional anymore. Customers are voting with their wallets every day to support businesses that cater to convenience, and banking can

Episode 115 | See What the Survey Says, Part 1
November 19, 2020

People make real decisions with their wallets but answer polling questions the way they want to be perceived, and those two dont always match. Opinions on retail products dont shift as wildly as pol

Episode 114 | This Is Your Chance and Time
November 05, 2020

If youve spent a lifetime putting off something you wanted to do until you have time, dont miss capitalizing on these pandemic days to bear down and make your multitasking dreams come true. Dont fa

Episode 113 | Go for Viral Marketing While Avoiding the Cringe
October 22, 2020

Following viral leaders down an unexpectedly-discovered path may be sincere flattery, but its anything but an effective marketing strategy. What are the unique things your brand can do? Good marketin

Episode 112 | Counting On Online Accounts
October 01, 2020

The advent of COVID-19 and virus-inspired social distancing has sparked colossal growth in online banking. The infrastructure has been in place for a long time, but there are a number of sticking points within online banking products holding these opti...
