Marketing Money Podcast

Marketing Money Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 112 | Counting On Online Accounts
October 01, 2020

The advent of COVID-19 and virus-inspired social distancing has sparked colossal growth in online banking. The infrastructure has been in place for a long time, but there are a number of sticking points within online banking products holding these opti...

Episode 111 | Differentiation – Naming The Names You Know
September 17, 2020

Every business has its signature products, even within the same categories of product. Especially there, in fact. Everyone, that is, except for banks. What can we figure out that lets us stand alone in a crowd?

Episode 110 | Improvement Begins at Home
September 03, 2020

Theres never been a better time to start improving your bank, whether through the name on the front of the building or with the people working inside. Our brands will differentiate us only if theyre

Episode 109 | The Levers that Move the World
August 20, 2020

Are your products missing the boat because your message is missing its market? When products arent made available to the customers most likely to use them, nothing positive is likely to follow. No on

Episode 108 |Where Does the Spend Go Now?
August 06, 2020

With events suspended and sports mostly shut down, many of our standard marketing opportunities are now painfully absent. One thing that cant take the season off, though, is marketing your brand. Wit

Episode 107 | The Source of All Knowledge
July 23, 2020

Inspiration for improvement isnt likely to come from someone whos doing the same things you and everyone else is already doing. If you draw your ideas from how other banks are marketed, youre likel

Episode 106 | Unique, Just Like Everyone Else
July 09, 2020

How do you balance the desire to stand out with the fear of making mistakes? In a market where everyones products are similar and every approach nearly the same, the appetite for stepping outside of

Episode 105 | Brand Standards Build Better Brands
June 30, 2020

Everyone who uses your brand likely assumes they know how to use the elements, especially if theres not a Standards Guide. But you cant leave it up to chance. By creating an agreed-upon set of brand

Episode 104 | Communication for a Better World
June 14, 2020

We all want to help our world improve, but what can we do as marketers to bring about permanent, positive change? Decisions that affect lives cant come across as an afterthought. Our team visits with

Episode 103 | Connecting with Customers in COVID Climate
June 11, 2020

The old paradigms for connecting with new and current customers are gone. What will replace them? The needs for banking products are certainly still there, but your message has to do more for you now than ever to bring in the business.
