Marketing Money Podcast

Marketing Money Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 131 | How to Bring the Boom in Your Bank Marketing
September 09, 2021

Fall is in the air, football on tv, and yearly budget planning is right around the corner. Start 2022 out well by planning your budget for success. Listen in as John and Josh talk strategic budgeting,

Episode 130 | The Sky Is Not Really Falling
August 19, 2021

If your vendors are telling you their solution is the only one with the hope of keeping your business alive, its time to hit the delete button in more ways than one. The hyperbole landing every day i

Episode 129 | Sharing the Top Secrets of Bank Marketing Success
July 29, 2021

Better-branded banks have an easier time recruiting the best talent, simply because its obvious to the talent that the bank is working to make easier the job theyre being recruited to do. The same h

Episode 128 | Bridging the Talent Gap
July 15, 2021

Banking job searches asking for a cornucopia of skills get the poor results they deserve. No applicant, and no full-time professional, can be proficient in every possible task. As a result, the only r

Episode 127 | Tuning In New Strategies
June 24, 2021

What lessons can the competition for retail shelf space teach us in the bank marketing world? How about merchants constant pursuit of personal information for facilitating future sales? When every pr

Episode 126 | The Virtualization of Folding Money
June 10, 2021

How vulnerable to ransomware is our nations banking system and the free flow of our economy? Weve seen both oil and beef compromised in recent weeks, but banking seems the most likely target to the

Episode 125 | A Product of Useful Naming
May 20, 2021

Partnering with the service StrategyCorps helps banks analyze their customer base and choose those to whom marketing premium products would be most profitable. What those premium products should be named, and how they should be priced,

Episode 124 | What’s In A Name?
May 06, 2021

In an era of consolidation, when the count of banks in the United States has dropped below 5,000 for the first time in more than a century, the value of a unique bank name has never been greater. Hear what the Marketing Money Podcast has to say.

Episode 123 | Policy Isn’t Always The Best Honesty
April 22, 2021

A banks disposition toward enforcing its customer rewards structure, and its leeway to adjust for any given situation, hamper relationships more often than wed like. The opportunity to find a differ

Episode 122 | Making MacGuffins Make Money
April 01, 2021

If your bank marketing tools arent built to advance the plot of your business plan, why arent they? A MacGuffin is an item in a story that exists only to move the plot forward. The MacGuffins of our
