Marketing Money Podcast

Marketing Money Podcast

Latest Episodes

August 10, 2017

Ready for a change? How do you know when it’s time for a rebrand, rename or new tagline? While every bank is different, changing your mark is a major decision with many variables to consider. In this episode of the Marketing Money Podcast,

Crisis Communication
July 27, 2017

Our Brand is Crisis is a 2015 movie that is hopefully not the internal tagline of your bank and marketing department. As marketers, there are hair-on-fire days, and then there are true crises – a major security breach, a bad act by an employee,

2017 ABA Bank Marketing Conference Preview
July 12, 2017

This September, the Big Conference is going to the Big Easy! In this Marketing Money Podcast, John Oxford and Josh Mabus review the schedule and hot marketing topics presented September 24-26 during the annual ABA Bank Marketing Conference.

June 29, 2017

Interviewing for a marketing position can be challenging for potential new employees and employers alike. If you’re an employer looking for good content, can the potential new employee write? For digital platforms,

Content is King
June 14, 2017

In the world of marketing and advertising, Content is KING. Not only is quality content important to engage your current audience, it’s vital to expanding your reach. In this episode of the Marketing Money Podcast,

Small Business
June 01, 2017

To the small business owner, there is no such thing as small business. That should be the same mindset for banks serving small business clients. So if you are a bank looking to market your products and services to small business clientele,

May 17, 2017

Checking accounts are necessary, but they’re confusing. The choices are endless due to an insane variety of options for products that essentially do the same thing. Senior adults, students, rewards, interest, free, etc.

Bank of the Future
May 05, 2017

Back to the Future was a really good movie, but will the Bank of the future be a really good bank? With the bank of the future, will it be more mobile or brick and mortar based? With ATMs becoming smarter everyday,

Cross Selling
April 20, 2017

Cross-selling. It’s become an evil word—or possibly evil words with a hyphen? It once meant a client simply purchasing multiple products or services based on an additional need found during the sales process. Then,

April 06, 2017

Surveys say that three out of four people make up 75% of the world’s population. Surveys, polls and questionnaires… sometimes we think it’s a lot of dumb common sense. In this edition of the Marketing Money Podcast,