LoveLife Podcast

LoveLife Podcast

Latest Episodes

Lies we tell ourselves
February 16, 2024

The easiest person to deceive is ourselves. Whether out of a misplaced sense of self protection, and inability to face reality, or avoid pain, we are accomplished liars when it comes to certain parts

Getting Over Heartbreak
February 09, 2024

It has happened to most of at least once, our hearts have been broken in the wake of a breakup, infidelity, or another violation of the all important trust partners must have in one another. In this e

Can you prevent cheating?
February 02, 2024

Last week Alvean and Doug talked about the fallout from infidelity and the path to rapproachment. In this episode they talk about the ways in which couples can prevent infidelity in the first place.

Infidelity–can love survive
January 26, 2024

It is one of the most devastating things that can happen in a relationship--when one partner is unfaithful. While most often this violation of trust results in an end to the relationship, or a divorc

Best Advice
January 19, 2024

In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss the best relationship advice they received over the years. For a full transcript, click here: LL11

Across cultures
January 12, 2024

Realtionships can be hard enough without the challenges of navigating two different cultures. They can also be fantastic and rewarding--but that requires emotional insight, tact, and patience to achi

Blended Families
January 05, 2024

One of the trickier challenges couples face that have children from a prior relationship is when and how to blend their families together. In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore those challenges an

When she makes more
December 29, 2023

Money is a very common issue that can cause friction in a relationship. While there are many different ways in which the subject can be fraught--in this episode Alvean and Doug explore the nuances wh

Am I too picky?
December 22, 2023

Have you ever wondered if perhaps the reason you haven't found mr or ms right has more to do with you than you think? If so this episode is for you. Alvean and Doug talk about ways some people sabot

The Best Way to Say Goodbye
December 15, 2023

In this episode Alvean and Doug take on the subject of breakups. There is no such thing as a good breakup but there are better ways to say goodbye. Whether you are the one saying goodbye or receivin