LoveLife Podcast

LoveLife Podcast

Latest Episodes

Savoring Loneliness
April 26, 2024

Is it possible to find happiness without being in a relationship? For some, being alone is a comfort, a retreat into a contemplative life that starts by being in love with oneself. In this episode,

You’re not the boss of me
April 19, 2024

Controlling behavior is not an uncommon dynamic between couples. It can be overt or more often unrecognized but the struggle for autonomy contends with the desire to please and the need for clear bou

Do opposites attract?
April 12, 2024

You've probably heard it, maybe even believe that opposites are attracted to one another. But do they make for a good relationship? In the episode, Alvean and Doug explore the truth and fiction behi

April 05, 2024

The green eyed monster, jealousy, is at the heart of too many failed relationships. It generally proceeds from a lack of trust or a violation of the emotional investment one partner has made in the

Getting Back with your Ex
March 29, 2024

Something happened and you and your ex parted ways. As is often the case, you both may have regret and after a time drift back into each other's orbits. Can love be renewed, can ex's reunite success

Vindictive Ex’s
March 22, 2024

Break ups happen and we hope they can be navigated gracefully even though both parties may experience pain and a sense of loss. But what happens when your ex won't let go, and pain becomes anger and

March 15, 2024

There are three ingredients for a successful and loving relationship: Honesty, Trust, and Empathy. In this episode, Alvaen and Doug discuss empathy--what it is and isn't and why it is such an importa

The Power of Vulnerability
March 08, 2024

Too often our life experiences harden us and create boundaries that prevent us from having a fulfilling relationship. In this episode, Alvaen and Doug discuss the power of opening ourselves to others

What Really Matters?
March 01, 2024

In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about life's priorities. How do we make sense of all the competing demands on our attention, time and affection? Is there a majoc formula for deciding what reall

Wisdom found in pain
February 23, 2024

No one wishes to be in emotional pain but it happens to most of us at some point. While it may not seem so at the time, pain can bring with it a healing power--wisdom--that helps us avoid the circums