Lochhead on Marketing

Lochhead on Marketing

Latest Episodes

029 Disagree and Commit
January 14, 2020

Every big decision involves a group of people.and so, in business, if you’re going to do something legendary, whether its a strategy or a campaign, it will be a group decision. In this episode, Christopher Lochhead shares why it is a legendary busines...

028 Is Your Marketing Plan Radical Enough?
January 07, 2020

In this episode, Christopher Lochhead asks the question, “is your marketing plan radical enough?” Most marketing plans are predictable, uncreative and safe. He will share today how to do away with your usual marketing plan and craft a radical one.

027 How To Create a New Category & Brand w/ Carrie Palin, CMO of $20B Splunk
December 19, 2019

This special episode of Lochhead on Marketing is the actual conversation of Christopher Lochhead and Carrie Palin, CMO of software company Splunk, during their appearance at Hypergrowth San Francisco. Carrie shares how she spearheaded the category cre...

026 Ryan Reynolds Legendary Peloton Trendjack For Gin Brand
December 12, 2019

On episode #023 with Paul Maher, we popped the hood on the secret marketing / PR black art of Trendjacking. Recently, actor Ryan Reynolds (aka Marvel’s Deadpool) who also owns the brand, Aviation American Gin,

025 Category Creation & Category Design: A New Lens On Business
December 10, 2019

In this episode, Christopher Lochhead takes listeners on an exercise in developing their eye for category creation and category design. Category Design is a new level of thinking in business. It is a whole different approach to marketing and Christophe...

024 The Difference Between a First Mover and a Category Creator w/ Eddie Yoon
November 26, 2019

In this episode, Christopher tackles an article that appeared in Harvard Business Review which he co-wrote with Nicolas Cole and special guest for today, Eddie Yoon. Eddie is the author of Super Consumers and is considered a Category Design Guru of For...

023 Trendjacking Marketing and Public Relations w/ Paul Maher
November 05, 2019

Today is another special episode of Lochhead on Marketing as Paul Maher, Founder of Positive Marketing (UK) joins us to talk about Trendjacking Marketing and Public Relations. His firm, Positive, won the SABRE Award for Best-earned Media Agency in Euro...

022 Is Your Marketing Better or Different?
October 22, 2019

Christopher Lochhead discusses differentiation or differentiators of a brand, product or company. He further shares what legendary marketers do, makes their marketing better or makes it different? Differentiators

021 Is Your Brand Blue?
October 15, 2019

In today’s episode, Christopher Lochhead dives down deep into the power of colors and how it affects your brand marketing. In a world where almost all brands are Blue (and some are red), how do you make your brand different and stand out?

020 The Power of Podcast Guesting w/Tom Schwab, CEO of Interview Valet
September 30, 2019

From time to time, we will bring on guests to go deep on a topic in a particular field. Today’s guest is Tom Schwab, founder of Interview Valet. As we celebrate International Podcast Day, we will discuss the power of podcast guesting and why it is a st...