Lochhead on Marketing

Lochhead on Marketing

Latest Episodes

039 This Recession Will Not Stand, Man | Marketing PodStorm Episode 1
May 18, 2020

Welcome to Lochhead on Marketing, where we are trying the first world's Marketing PodStorm — 30 days of strategies and ideas to help you create the future that you want because we believe that nothing legendary is going to happen,

038 The Future Needs You
May 07, 2020

Today, let's talk about why the future needs you and frankly, why the future needs some legendary marketing. Entrepreneurs, pay attention to this episode because the future needs you and your innovations to move the human race forward.

037 How To Be Thoughtfully Aggressive & Radically Generous w/ Eddie Yoon
April 21, 2020

We have is a very special free form conversation with Eddie Yoon, author of Superconsumers. He is also the category design guru to the Fortune 500. Recently, we collaborated on an article for Harvard Business Review “5 Ways to Stimulate Cash Flow in a ...

036 Small Pond PR Strategy w/ Jeremy Ryan Slate
April 14, 2020

In this episode, we have a thoughtful conversation about how to create and execute what Marketing guru and entrepreneurial podcaster Jeremy Ryan Slate calls “A Small Pond PR Strategy.” We dig into why you should go small before you go big.

035 Your Brand Will Be Defined By What You Do During Coronavirus
April 02, 2020

Extraordinary times call for legendary leadership. In this episode, we talk about why your brand will be defined by what you do during coronavirus. This is a moment of truth. What leaders do in moments of truth define who they become and what happens t...

034 Digital Leadership & Why Leaders Over-Communicate
March 31, 2020

Extraordinary times call for legendary leadership. Because of the Coronavirus, shit is getting very weird. As Hunter Thompson said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turns pro” which is why it’s time to become a Digital Leader and over-communicate....

033 Marketing Is The Leadership Department
March 16, 2020

Coronavirus has created and is still creating both horrible human and economic costs, around the world. However, it is during these times, where real leaders stand up and become legendary. Extra-ordinary times, call for legendary leadership.

032 Want to do Legendary Marketing? Learn to Sell!
March 06, 2020

Did you know, one of the top reasons why CMOs and marketing leaders get fired is: the sales force thinks they are a joke. In this episode, we talk about why it is important for marketers to become great at sales. Marketing Is Sales Scaled

031 8 Stages of Digital Marketing w/ Ryan Deiss
February 04, 2020

In this episode, we have a thoughtful conversation about how to turbocharge your pipeline and drive revenue with Ryan Deiss, founder of DigitalMarketer.com. He has some provocative and engaging thoughts around what marketers can and should do to drive ...

030 How To Make Marketing Decisions
January 16, 2020

In this episode, let’s talk about the strategic lens required to make marketing decisions. Marketing Decisions Marketers, over and over again, continue to make this big mistake: they come up with marketing decisions without having a discussion around i...