Lochhead on Marketing

Lochhead on Marketing

Latest Episodes

078 Oceanspray’s Radically Generous Marketing TrendJack
October 21, 2020

This is a super fun episode. Christopher Lochhead talks about what was almost for sure, the most fun marketing trendjack of 2020. On September 25th, Nathan Apodaca was going to work when his truck broke down.

077 How Marketing Drives Market Cap / Company Valuation
October 14, 2020

Every time a tech company launches a successful IPOs, we end up hearing a lot of negation from the media. Claims such as “I can't believe this company is worth so much” or “so much money invested it must be crazy because they hardly have any revenue” o...

076 Fighter or Farmer Chief Marketing Officer
September 30, 2020

In today’s episode, Christopher Lochhead's answer addresses a listener question, “what kind of CMO should we hire?” He further discusses what’s the difference between a fighter and a farmer CMO and what you, as a marketer,

075 Movement Marketing w/ David Sacks
September 25, 2020

Today, we go deep on a big powerful idea called Movement Marketing with a legendary entrepreneur, category designer, and company builder turned venture capitalist, David Sacks, from Craft Ventures.  He's written this blog post recently on this idea an...

074 Marketing is Sales at Scale
September 04, 2020

Welcome to Lochhead on Marketing. In this episode, Christopher Lochhead answers the question, what is the most important skill for marketers to have? Sales Skills Christopher shares that his frequent answer to the most important skill for markete...

073 Noble Purpose
August 05, 2020

As this theme kept on coming up in Follow Your Different episodes, whether he spoke with entrepreneurs or venture capitalists, Christopher decided to finally talk about the purpose of business. Specifically,

072 Designing Legendary Categories, Companies & Brands w/ Michelle Stacy
July 29, 2020

Today, Chris goes deep on how to design a legendary category, company product, and brand with his super special guest, Michelle Stacy. Michelle is a living consumer product marketing legend, honing her craft with brands such as Gilette, Oral B,

071 We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service
July 17, 2020

One listener writes: “This is such a confusing time and people are on edge. There's a lot of arguing and mistrust in the US. It seems like we see more people acting out. In our case, we've had some customers behave really badly.

070 Lochhead on Marketing Over Coffee Crossover w/ John J. Wall and Kevin Maney
July 15, 2020

For the first time ever, we are dropping an episode from one of Christopher’s favorite podcast, Marketing Over Coffee, with host John Wall. Recently, they did an episode with the legendary author, Kevin Maney. Kevin, as you probably know,

069 How To Write A Book
July 07, 2020

In this episode, Christopher answers an email question from an entrepreneur who wants to become an author. We dive deep into the process of becoming an author, from pitching to publishers or agents, to actual writing, to marketing and promoting.