Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Latest Episodes

Micro-nutrients as a Biomarker of Wellness
November 24, 2021

Micro-nutrients as a Biomarker of Wellness This Living to 100 Club conversation explores the scientific breakthrough involving a new biomarker. This biomarker indicates the presence or deficiency o

Help for Seniors Transitioning to a New Home
November 18, 2021

Help for Seniors Transitioning to a New Home This Living to 100 Club podcast invites two guests who work closely with seniors facing a move from their home to another residence. How to help seniors

The Top Three Attributes to Cultivate Healthy Aging
November 11, 2021

The Top Three Attributes to Cultivate Healthy Aging Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is Debra Valentina, life coach, public speaker, and author of three books on personal development.

Overcoming Your Addiction to the Status Quo
November 04, 2021

Overcoming Your Addiction to the Status Quo This episode of the Living to 100 Club Podcast invites as its guest Kathryn Burmeister to discuss addiction to the status quo. Kathryn is an attorney, co

Stay Off My Operating Table: A Heart Surgeon Discusses Metabolic Health
October 28, 2021

Stay Off My Operating Table: A Heart Surgeon Discusses Metabolic Health Dr. Philip Ovadia’s new book, Stay Off My Operating Table, exposes the dark truths about the burgeoning death rate from preve

A Pathway to Insight: Release Inner Tension with Emotion Freedom Therapy
October 10, 2021

A Pathway to Insight: Releasing Inner Tension with Emotion Freedom Therapy This is a Living to 100 Club conversation about moving beyond unpleasant memories through the power of one’s awareness. An

Movement is Medicine Part II: Why Mobility is So Important with Advancing Age
October 08, 2021

Movement is Medicine Part II: Why Mobility is So Important with Advancing Age This is a follow-up conversation to an earlier one just a year ago with Dan McFarlane. In this Living to 100 Club podca

Our Inner Dialogue: Being Mindful of What We Say to Ourselves
October 05, 2021

Our Inner Dialogue: Being Mindful of What We Say to Ourselves This Living to 100 Club podcast invites as its guest Cheyne Towers. Cheyne is a London-based hypnotherapist who has been helping people

Life After Death: A Conversation about the Evidence that We Never Die
September 30, 2021

Life After Death: A Conversation about the Evidence that We Never Die Stephen Hawley Martin is the guest for this Living to 100 Club Podcast. Stephen has written several books about life after deat

Diet and Lifestyle Approaches to Health and Wellness
September 22, 2021

Dietary and Lifestyle Approaches to Health and Wellness In this conversation with Health Coach & Consultant and retired chiropractor Dr. Leslie Kasanoff, she shares her experience in reversing chro