Perspectives of Change

Perspectives of Change

Latest Episodes

#38 "Conflict management in the workplace" with Sarika Kharbanda and Helgi Gudmundsson
April 26, 2022

Its a 9! No. Its a 6! Why dont you see things the way I do?Conflict is inevitable. We will have different perspectives. We need to be okay with that.With more than one person in the room there will be more than one perspective. We need to have an open

#37 "Humanise Business, Change from the Heart" with Alize Hofmeester
March 15, 2022

The pandemic, uncertainty, virtual working brought about a reset on humanity.The great resignation started, or shall we call it the awakening of many people?People following their purpose, starting to speak up and like to be appreciated for who they are i

#36 "Wicked Agility" with Joanne Stone
March 07, 2022

As Agilists we can make an impact to our communities and the worlds wicked problems. Now more then ever, our communities are suffering from the gnarly problems of the world, such as covid, climate change, poverty, mental health and so much more. Wicked

#35 'Changing the world through small, consistent actions' with Sam Demma
December 21, 2021

What if everything you have ever learnt about change and social impact were totally wrong? In grade 12 Sam Demma had a high school teacher who convinced him that change and impact was not the result of massive shifts, but instead the outcome of committing

#34 'Meaningful Dialog: Talk to me' with Sue Johnston, Andrew Annett and Jason Little
November 29, 2021

When we typically think of change communication, how can we change the stance from broadcasting, telling people towards deeper meaningful dialog!Subscribe to YouTube channelSubscribe to new podcast channel SpodKast

#33 - OKR Lean Change Mojito with Sarika Kharbanda and Natalija Hellesoe
October 27, 2021

Combine the best from Lean Change and OKRs using lightweight planning and exploration tools to get your OKR implementation off the ground.Conversation between Sarika and Natalija around the OKR Lean Change Mojito at the Perspectives of Change show!

#32 - "Resistance is the #1 Challenge" with Evan Leybourn
October 26, 2021

There is nothing easier, in the short term, than doing nothing. Nothing more appealing than the Status quo. But purpose, innovation, and progress never occurs by sitting still.It happens when purpose is aligned to action. And for organisations, breaking d

#31 - The Agile Online Summit 2021 with Tom Henricksen
October 07, 2021

The Agile Online Summit has been evolving since 2017. This year 2021, the Agile Online Summit brings you a highly engaged conference with a difference. + Overarching Theme of Shu-Ha-Ri+ Pre-recorded and / or Live sessions+ Gamified approach to engagement+

#30 Lean Change Facilitator Jorge Ulsen R's Change Journey
September 30, 2021

Lean Change Facilitator Jorge Ulsen R shares his Change journey at the Perspectives of Change podcast.Subscribe to upcoming YouTube channelSubscribe to new podcast channel SpodKast

#29 Trust is not a Unicorn
September 16, 2021

Trust is a key ingredient. Yet we hear many leaders and teams talk about trust as if it is some magical, hard to identify, harder to hold impossible to maintain, unicorn like creature!This is a huge myth and it's dangerous because it stop us from see