Just Fly Performance Podcast

378: Jarod Burton on Integrating Athlete Perception and Game Speed Development
Today's podcast features Jarod Burton. Jarod is a performance specialist, chiropractic student, and health coach. He got his coaching start working with Brady Volmering of DAC baseball and has spent recent years coaching, consulting, and running educational courses in the private sector. Jarod focuses on engaging all aspects of an athlete's being, providing the knowledge for the individual to thrive in their domain.
In Jarod's first appearance on the podcast, he spoke on work capacity development and the limits of how far athletes can push themselves on a level of training volume, with many mental concepts as a vital governor. In considering training, it is constructive to look at the complete bio-psycho-social factors before going too far into judging what an athlete can and cannot do. As Jarod said on the last show, "It's so silly to put it in this tiny box and say, 'You can only run 10 sprints.' Then the athletes start believing the fact that if I run more than 10, I'm going to break down."
On today's episode, Jarod goes into a topic that he touched on in the last episode: the role of perception in building game speed and athletic ability. The level of the bio-psycho-social and perceptive elements strongly influences speed, and game-like stimuli can dramatically affect an athlete's sprint capacity. We dig further into these concepts for today's show and talk about game-specificity in speed training, impacts of environment perception on movement, variability and randomness in training, the role of play and exploration relative to outputs in training, and more.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Lost Empire Herbs, TeamBuildr and the Plyomat.
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The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing. Check out the Plyomat at www.plyomat.net
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View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.
Timestamps and Main Points
3:37 – The origins of Jarod’s views on the importance of perception and environment, in conjunction with speed and performance training.
10:20 – What big factors exist in how Jarod looks at how an athlete is considering and framing the training session.
22:20 – Thoughts on how specific we need to be with relating all perceptual information in training to one’s specific sport.
29:25 – Rotating the pieces of play, exploration, and output within the scope of training.
43:22 – Jarod’s take on modeling the principles of nature in sprint based or gym movements where an athlete may not know how far or long they are going in a set.
50:56 – The impact of randomness on the training environment.
1:02:46 – Thoughts on athletes who may struggle in a practice vs. a game environment and how to adapt training based on these factors.
Jarod Burton Quotes
“When someone was nasal breathing, the neurons inside of their brain would fire faster, and if they were mouth breathing, the neurons would fire slower”
“One of the things I would always look for in weight room training was a cramp, and then they had to work through the cramp”
“(With perception/action) Once you know what they are afraid of, that’s the scenario you need to create”
“Every time she threw a softball, her arm hurt, but if we threw a football her arm didn’t hurt. So we basically had her throwing with a football, and we had different games, and then we would go to a baseball, then we’d go to a softball,