90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1072 You Can’t Take Back Words So Think Before You Respond
June 01, 2020

In our relationships and in our interactions over social media people often get us so angry that we want to respond to provoke the same reactions from them that they have brought out in us. Always remember that you can’t take back words so think before...

#1071 The Pragmatic Approach to Dealing with Covid 19
May 26, 2020

Economies are beginning to reopen in many parts of the world, but the threat of Corona transmission is still high. How do we decide which activities to resume?  Today we discuss the pragmatic approach to dealing with Covid 19. …

#1070 Three More Hacks to Help Alleviate your Corona Stress
May 18, 2020

Uncertainty causes stress. There’s not a person on the planet that isn’t affected by the uncertainty we are facing with this pandemic. We must find some ways to continue to move forward, manage stress, and maintain our optimism.

#1069 Mastering the Art of Working from Home
May 11, 2020

Now that many of us have completed our second month of being away from the office I thought it would make sense to focus on mastering the art of working from home. …

#1068 If You Want to Reach Your Long Term Goals Value Consistency over Intensity
May 04, 2020

Many of us have been taught to work as hard as we can on anything that we take on. Whether it’s work, sports, exercise or diet, the harder you work you quicker you achieve what you set out to do. The problem with this mentality is that it’s often not s...

#1067 Thoughts on Adapting and Thriving in Social Isolation
April 27, 2020

This game we call life has changed significantly in the past two months. Take a moment to evaluate where you are. How well have you adapted to your new situation? Do you spend time wishing to do the things you can no longer do?

#1066 If You Want to be Happier Practice the Act of Savoring
April 20, 2020

We often talk about the fact that appreciation drives happiness. The next question becomes, how do you get into the daily practice of appreciating? Savoring is one way to get there. The very act of savoring puts you into a mindset of appreciation. …

#1065 Maintaining Life Balance During Social Isolation
April 13, 2020

Over the past month most of us have experienced a dramatic change to our pre-corona daily routines. Since we are creatures of habit, this can be very stressful. It can also result in a significant impact on our productivity.

#1064 Finding Bright Spots in Dark Times
April 06, 2020

The Corona Virus has taken a physical toll on many and a mental toll on all. There are some positives to this dramatic lifestyle change we’ve all experienced. Today’s discussion focuses on finding the bright spots in dark times. …

#1063 Three Life Hacks to Reduce Stress in the Corona World
March 30, 2020

The Corona virus is infecting hundreds of thousands of people. It is affecting billions of people by turning lives upside down and creating fear. Today we discuss three life hacks to reduce stress in the Corona world. …