90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1062 Four Ways to Protect Your Emotional Well-Being From Corona
March 23, 2020

This pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. Those inflicted are dealing with the physical aspect of the virus. The rest of us are dealing with the emotional side of it. We have to find ways to cope and we must realize that within every crisis there ar...

#1061 Staying Productive While Working From Home
March 16, 2020

The Corona Virus has left many people in the unenviable position of not being able to go to a physical location for work. You may have been asked asked to work from home and perhaps this is a new concept for you. As a 20 year telecommuter,

#1060 A Pragmatic Approach to Losing Weight Sustainably with Minimal Pain
March 09, 2020

Weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated. It comes down to what you put in your mouth. If you identify how many calories you can eat a day that will allow for moderate weight loss over time, then provide yourself that number of calories as your daily...

#1059 Make an Effort to Appreciate the Special People in Your Life
March 02, 2020

It’s easy to complain and lose your composure when the people around you do something that rubs you the wrong way. If  instead you could take a moment to reframe your mindset by tuning into the big picture,

#1058 The Art of Winning People Over
February 24, 2020

If you want to get places in life, you will need the help of other people along your journey. Today’s discussion is about creating advocates for yourself, more specifically, the art of winning people over. …

#1057 This One Minute Daily Ritual Will Dramatically Increase Your Happiness
February 17, 2020

If you want to become happier in your daily life, tune into things that you appreciate. Today we discuss a simple routine for making that happen. …

#1056 Tips on Becoming a Better Communicator
February 10, 2020

Stop worrying about building your credibility and focus on ensuring that everyone you’re speaking to has a clear understanding of the message you’re trying to deliver. Today we discuss tips on becoming a better communicator. be  …

#1055 Stop Worrying About the Perception of Others and Focus on What You Can Control
February 03, 2020

Think about the energy that goes into ensuring that you look good in the eyes of others. We have very little control over other people but we have tremendous control over our own actions. If you can stop worrying about the perception of others and focu...

#1054 You Can’t Take Back Words. Think Before You Respond.
January 27, 2020

In the heat of an argument we often say things that have long term consequences. Once the person in question hears you and takes offense, you may be able to apologize, but you can’t take back words. Think before you respond.

#1053 Saying Goodbye to Your Heroes
January 20, 2020

Neil Peart, drummer from Rush and maybe the best rock drummer of all time, recently passed away at the age of 67. As we get older and our childhood heroes begin to pass on, we begin to realize how precious life really is.