90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1083 7 Ways to Maintain a Positive Mindset During Corona
August 17, 2020

                  As we approach six months of lockdown and social distancing, it can be easy to focus on all of the challenges and everything that is wrong with the world. Everyone of us has the ability each day to decide where we choose to focus.

#1082 Tolerance for Others During a Pandemic
August 10, 2020

After months of quarantine and disagreements in the direction of how the Corona Virus is being handled, people are frustrated and angry. The interactions I have with strangers are much different than they were 6 months ago.

#1081 Three Components Needed to Live a Fulfilled Life
August 03, 2020

Imagine yourself in your 80’s or 90’s as you reflect on the life you’ve lived. Would you have any regrets? Every one of us wants to be completely fulfilled in life, the question is have you identified what that really means?

#1080 Success Requires You to Continuously Find Ways to be Useful to Others
July 27, 2020

                  Being useful is not exciting or sexy but it is necessary to thrive in business, in relationships, and as a parent. As changes occur we must adjust ourselves to ensure that we remain useful to our customers,

#1079 Don’t Allow People with an Agenda to Influence Your Judgement
July 20, 2020

Judgement should be based on research, facts and morality. It appears that we are giving our talking heads and political leaders far too much influence over our decisions. Don’t allow people with an agenda to influence your judgement. …

#1078 Moving From Passion to Success the Right Way
July 13, 2020

So often people give up their financial stability in pursuit of their passion only to realize that they didn’t anticipate many of the challenges along the way. In the end the consequences can be significant.

#1076 Three Components for Living a Fulfilled Life
June 29, 2020

If you truly want greater happiness, this weeks discussion focuses on three components for living a fulfilled life. …

#1075 Spend Your Money on Things That Can Provide Great Experiences in Life
June 22, 2020

There are countless studies that suggest that humans derive far more happiness from experiences than we do from things. What if you choose to spend your money on things that can provide great experiences in Life? …

#1074 If You Want to Achieve Goals Focus on Consistency Over Intensity
June 15, 2020

We all have things we want to accomplish in life. It could be weight loss, a promotion or a championship in your chosen sport. You can obsess about the goal and pour all of your energy into achieving it as quickly as possible,

#1073 This Simple Technique Can Help You Alleviate Stress in Your Life
June 08, 2020

If you want to alleviate stress in your life you can treat the symptoms or you can focus on the root cause. …