90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1093 Break Up the Monotony of COVID by Planning Your Next Life Experience Now
November 02, 2020

When you’re having a difficult time, it’s important to have something to look forward to. Since we’re all living through a pandemic, what if you could break up the monotony of COVID by planning your next experience now?                              

#1092 This Simple Daily Adjustment Will Reduce the Anger and Conflict You’re Experiencing
October 26, 2020

If you want to reduce anger and conflict, look at what’s fueling that anger and limit your exposure to it. …

#1091 Resiliency May Be the Single Greatest Driver of Success
October 19, 2020

Most successful people have experienced failure at some point in their lives. In many cases failure occurred multiple times. Those that go on to achieve success learn from their failures. They dust themselves off, implement changes,

#1090 There is a Solution to Maintaining Your Happiness During These Difficult Times, Change Your Perspective
October 12, 2020

This global pandemic has tested the will of all of us. When you’re feeling your worst, look at people who are facing bigger challenges than you. This will help create the perspective you need to appreciate what you have.                        …

#1089 A Simple Way to Lift Your Spirits During Lockdown
October 05, 2020

Most of us could use an idea to help break up the monotony of our post COVID daily life. Today’s discussion centers on a simple way to lift your spirits during lockdown. …

#1088 These 2 Simple Tips Will Help Your Reach Your Goals
September 28, 2020

If you’re serious about reaching a goal that’s been eluding you, perhaps it’s time to modify your approach. Start by removing the temptations that are preventing you from moving toward your goal, then lower the barriers that are stopping you from takin...

#1087 This Simple Exercise Will Lower Your Expenses
September 21, 2020

If you’re anything like me, you focus your attention on the money that’s coming in, always looking for ways to increase that number. The one thing to remember is that it’s not just about what you make it’s about what you keep.

#1086 If You Want to Alleviate Your Anger and Resentment Learn to Surrender
September 08, 2020

Are you holding a grudge against anyone that’s important to you? If you want to alleviate your anger and resentment learn to surrender. Simply let go of the negative emotion. …

#1085 8 Rules for Persuading Others
August 31, 2020

One of the key ingredients to success lies in your ability to convince other people to see things your way. There are some basic concepts that if applied can dramatically increase your probability of success.

#1084 The Power of a Mentor
August 24, 2020

As we are all suffering from the challenges brought by this global pandemic, it’s important to find something to focus on that can draw your attention away from all the negativity. A tremendous benefit to helping others is that our focus moves away fro...