90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#679 Self-Imposed Deadlines
June 06, 2017

If you have a project that you are trying to complete, set a self imposed deadline.…

#678 Making Your Time More Productive
June 05, 2017

Since time is finite, why not focus on making your time more productive.…

#677 Self-Awareness Through Meditation
June 02, 2017

The most effective path to self-awareness is through meditation.…

#676 Understanding the Why Drives Greater Self-Awareness
June 01, 2017

Getting clear on the why behind the big decisions you make in life provides you with a sense of purpose. It also helps to drive greater self-awareness.…

#675 Be Open to Feedback
May 31, 2017

If you want to become self-aware, be open to feedback. It helps you see yourself through the eyes of others.…

#674 Focus On Yourself First
May 30, 2017

If you are striving to become self-aware, focus on yourself first. Once you get there you are in a far better position to help others.…

#673 Are You Self-Aware?
May 29, 2017

Are you self-aware? Today we discuss the what it means to be self-aware and the benefits of achieving it.…

#672 Making a Difference in the Life of Others
May 26, 2017

True success is making a difference in the life of others.…

#671 Providing Guidance to Others and Receiving Guidance for Yourself
May 25, 2017

Making an impact in the life of another usually means that you are providing guidance.…

#670 What is the Listener’s Motivation
May 24, 2017

When you are conversing with someone that is very engaging what is the listener’s motivation. Are they looking at your best interest or they out for themselves?…