90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#669 Being a Great Listener
May 23, 2017

Being a great listener is the foundation for building strong relationships.…

#668 Impacting Others
May 22, 2017

Many people see success in terms of money or possessions. I invite you to measure success on how you have done at impacting others in a positive way.…

#667 Make Preparations for End of Life
May 19, 2017

You never know when your last day will be. If you have a family you owe it to them to make preparations for end of life.…

#666 Create a Living Will
May 18, 2017

It’s not right to force your family to make the most difficult decisions on your behalf. Create a living will.…

#665 Gifting While You are Alive
May 17, 2017

Most people wait until they pass before having their belongings gifted to their loved ones. Why not consider doing some of that gifting while you are alive?…

#664 Get Your Affairs in Order
May 16, 2017

None of us will be here forever, nor do we know when our last day will come. Don’t assume you will have an opportunity to get your affairs in order. Do it now.…

#663 Preparing for the Inevitable
May 15, 2017

No one likes to think about dying but the reality is that it will happen to all of us. The challenge is that we don’t know when. If you have loved ones, it’s important to put some arrangements in place in case it happens unexpectedly.…

#662 Generosity Drives Abundance
May 12, 2017

The more you give away, the more things come back to you. Generosity drives abundance.…

#661 There is Always Enough
May 11, 2017

Stop focusing lack and understand that there is always enough.…

#660 Circulation Law of Prosperity
May 10, 2017

The circulation law of prosperity suggests that what you give away comes back to you with dividends. Today we discuss thoughts on how to make it work for you.…