90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#689 The Happiest People Are Those with the Strongest Social Lives
June 20, 2017

You might think that the happiest people are those with the greatest wealth or the best jobs. In fact the happiest people are those with the strongest social lives. Surrounding yourself with great people is the answer.…

#687 Find Ways to Put More Fun in Your Life
June 16, 2017

Take a break adulthood and find ways to put more fun in your life.…

#686 Lose Your Ego
June 15, 2017

Lose your ego by accepting that you are no better than anyone else. You may have more money or a higher level education than others, but that doesn’t make you better, just more fortunate…

#685 Laugh and Smile More Often
June 14, 2017

One way to have more fun in life is to laugh and smile more often. Not only are they good for you mentally, there are physical benefits as well.…

#684 Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously
June 13, 2017

The first step to having more fun in life is to stop taking yourself so seriously…

#683 If You Want to Have More Fun Be More Impulsive
June 12, 2017

It’s good to have plans to do things you enjoy but don’t give up on spontaneity. If you want to have more fun be more impulsive.…

#682 Prioritize Your Tasks
June 09, 2017

If you take the time to prioritize your tasks you will be far more productive.…

#681 Time Block
June 08, 2017

A great way to improve productivity is to develop the discipline to time block. It improves focus and allows you to get more accomplished.…

#680 Set Incremental Goals That Are Attached to Rewards
June 07, 2017

If you want to increase your productivity, set incremental goals that are attached to rewards.…