90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#751 If You Have the Means Get Out of Harm’s Way
September 14, 2017

                If a storm is headed your way that could endanger your life, if you have the means get out of harm’s way.…

#750 Deciding When to Run From a Storm
September 13, 2017

                  Deciding when to run from a storm can be a big decision. If the consequences are big enough, the probability of impact is high enough, and you have the ability to get away, then you should go.…

#749 Developments In Storm Protection
September 12, 2017

                  Our ability to track storms combined with the improved safety of homes have been tremendous developments in storm protection.…

#748 The Helplessness Created by a Natural Disaster
September 11, 2017

                Irma brings home the the helplessness created by a natural disaster.…

#747 Tune Into the Positive
September 08, 2017

                Do everything possible to tune into the positive.…

#746 Tune Into the Positive
September 07, 2017

                  If you look for the negative that’s what you’ll see. Tune into the positive.  …

#745 The Media’s Negativity Bias
September 06, 2017

Next time you are watching the news, keep track of the percentage of positive stories that are covered. As you begin tuning into the media’s negativity bias you may start to see the impact it has on your mood.

#744 Seek Out the Positive
September 05, 2017

If you look for the worst in people you’ll find it. The same is true is you look for the best in people. Make a conscious effort to seek out the positive.…

#743 The Best and Worst of Humanity
September 04, 2017

The recent events in Houston and Charlottesville highlight the best and worst of humanity. Today we discuss where to put your focus.…

#742 Benefits of Starting Your Workday Early
September 01, 2017

The most successful people I know are early risers. Think about the benefits of starting your workday early: no interruptions, quiet office, and your day is in full swing when everyone else arrives.…