90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#761 Drawbacks to Being an Entrepreneur
September 28, 2017

                      Most see the American Dream as running their own business. While there are certainly benefits, there are also many drawbacks to being an entrepreneur. Today we discuss some of those challenges.…

#760 Drawbacks to a Corporate Career
September 27, 2017

                    While there are certainly benefits to working for a large company there are drawbacks to a corporate career as well. Today we discuss some of those challenges.…

#759 Scale Your Strengths
September 26, 2017

                    When you excel at a high value task and are in a position to coach people to do what you do, you can then scale your strengths. As you do your business will grow exponentially.…

#758 Owning a Small Company vs. Working for a Large One
September 25, 2017

                  The American dream is to run your own business. Today we look at the attributes of owning a small company vs. working for a large one.…

#757 Create the Story You Want for Yourself
September 22, 2017

                    Stop focusing on other people’s perceptions of you and create the story you want for yourself.…

#756 You Relive Your Story Every Time You Repeat It
September 21, 2017

                    If you are sharing a traumatic story with other people just remember that you relive your story every time you repeat it. Perhaps it makes sense to limit the number of people you tell or the depth of detail you share.…

#755 Don’t Allow Others to Define Your Story
September 20, 2017

                    You determine what you want your life to be. Don’t allow others to define your story.…

#754 Don’t Allow Yourself to Be Defined by Your Story
September 19, 2017

                    You are far more than a combination of your past history. Don’t allow yourself to be defined by your story.…

#753 Does Your Story Define Who You Are
September 18, 2017

                    We often see people that have had challenges in the past allow those challenges to become their story. The question becomes, does your story define who you are today? If you relinquished your story or simply moved beyond it,

#752 Contingency Planning
September 15, 2017

                    When a storm is headed your way and you decide to evacuate,  you never know exactly where it will hit. It makes sense to do some contingency planning so that you have several options. Prepare your house with supplies in the event th...