90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#741 Saying No Tactfully
August 31, 2017

Agreeing to do everything people ask of you can become overwhelming in terms of the work load you take on. There are times when we may have to say no. This could lead to repercussions.  The question is, how good are you at saying no tactfully?…

#740 Technology Can Tether You to the Office
August 30, 2017

Technology can tether you to the office and never allow you to escape from work. This leads to greater stress and imbalance in life. Today we discuss how to set boundaries.…

#739 Workaholic
August 29, 2017

Employers love the workaholic over the short-term. The problem is that without life balance the workaholic is more likely to have issues in their personal life that ultimately affect work.…

#738 Busy vs. Productive
August 28, 2017

When thinking about the concept of busy vs. productive, realize that busy is irrelevant. It’s all about what you accomplish.…

#737 Diffuse the Anger
August 25, 2017

Stop getting caught up in drama and animosity. Diffuse the anger.…

#735 Opposing Viewpoints
August 24, 2017

Resist the desire to engage with people who have strong opposing viewpoints to your own.…

#736 Temper Your Action With Wisdom
August 24, 2017

Try not to react to people when you are angry. Temper your action with wisdom.…

#734 Be Informed By the News Not Consumed By the News
August 22, 2017

With all of our access to digital media it’s easy to become influenced the information you receive. Today we discuss how to be informed by the news not consumed by the news.…

#733 Celebrate Diversity
August 21, 2017

The United States was built on a foundation of people of all races coming together and moving beyond our differences. It’s important to celebrate diversity and not give in to hate.  …

#732 Stop Worrying and Start Living
August 18, 2017

If you want to live life with no regrets, follow your passions, focus on the things that you can control, stop worrying and start living.…