Activate America

Activate America

Latest Episodes

Arsenal To Save America
October 27, 2021

By using a simple chart, you can find out if you have a problem with your vision. By reading The New American magazine, you can find out what is happening right in front of you and who is behind it.

Actions Speak Louder than Words | Activate America
October 19, 2021

History proves that election integrity is dwindling. Don’t be fooled by elected officials that they will fix the problem. They talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. Get Active with the JBS Restore E

Compromise Is No Solution | Activate America
October 12, 2021

Our Founding Fathers were worried about two political parties. Their concern was that party members would work harder for their party than the country. Today that’s what we see. Parties introduce o

Strength Through Education | Activate America
October 06, 2021

President John Adams had the same desire to defeat what today we call Marxism. He witnessed the radical changes in the principles, opinion, sentiments, and affections of the people. Through education

How Globalists Utilize the Pandemic
September 29, 2021

Pandemics, universal healthcare, and travel restrictions… a savory recipe for globalists. In the past 2 years, we've faced a variety of government initiatives. These initiatives are designed to contro

Biden’s NWO Agenda | Activate America
September 21, 2021

Joe Biden has been an advocate of the New World Order for decades.  He wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal in 1992 titled “How I Learned to Love the New World Order”.  He also published a book

The Left Demonizes the Right! | Activate America
September 15, 2021

The Left keeps pushing, hoping to get Conservatives to react verbally in the media or even worse, physically.  When they do react, the media demonizes them as extremists.  Remember the McCloskeys from

Who Are the Real Experts? | Activate America
September 07, 2021

As Art Thompson puts it, "Those who don’t know their past are condemned to repeat it." At the John Birch Society, we stress the importance of education. It is crucial to discern whether the history th

Education Spreads Truth
September 01, 2021

Over the years The John Birch Society has been spreading the truth by writing and printing books on many subjects.  Two of these books are “In the Shadows of the Deep State” and “To the Victor Go the

Globalist Deliberate Attack
June 16, 2021

Globalists have been planning an attack for years.  Back in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation issued a report illustrating a scenario where a dangerous flu epidemic struck.  It detailed government lockdowns,