Activate America

Activate America

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Ukraine and the New World Order | Activate America
March 02, 2022

There is a case to be made that communists have infiltrated other countries and have been disguised as conservatives.  Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote about this in his book, “New Lies For Old”.  It was as tr

How the Left Plans Behind the Scenes | Activate America
December 29, 2021

What is the one ingredient the left has that we do not? Organization. Using the purported words of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Nothing happens by accident in politics. If it happens, you can

The Marxist Strategy for Police Reform | Activate America
December 22, 2021

Lately, even some conservatives are jumping on the bandwagon for a national police force. The idea of nationalizing our local police into a national police, and then placing them under the jurisdictio

Out-Organize the Communists | Activate America
December 15, 2021

The post Out-Organize the Communists | Activate America appeared first on The John Birch Society.

Changing the Political Atmosphere | Activate America
December 07, 2021

Politicians who don’t understand Americanism can’t help save America. Citizens who don’t understand Americanism can’t help save America. When enough people understand the principles of Americanism, th

America First Movement | Activate America
November 30, 2021

Have you heard of Trumpworld? The New American just released its special collector’s edition that explores this mass movement that began in 2016.This 96-page bookazine explores the achievements of pla

Enforcing Vaccine Mandates? | Activate America
November 23, 2021

"Every person who lives in Austria must be aware that they can be checked by the police," stated Austrian Chancellor Shallenberg. Austrians now need to be vaccinated or quarantined. Their freedom of c

Stupidity or Conspiracy? | Activate America
November 16, 2021

There’s a saying in politics, “Nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”.  President Biden’s record illustrates this.  It’s not stupidity and it’s not an accide

Shifting the Voting Patterns | Activate America
November 10, 2021

Conservatives are celebrating after a gigantic, landslide victory in the Virginia elections. Well actually…no. It wasn't a landslide but that's what is being reported. The reality is that the Republic

Are You Honoring Your Oath? | Activate America
November 02, 2021

For this week’s Activate America, Art talks about the importance of swearing an oath to the Constitution. For those who have served in the military or in public service, taking an oath to the Constitu