Activate America

Activate America

Latest Episodes

Will Government Censor You? | Activate America
May 11, 2022

The Biden administration is attempting to install a Disinformation Governance Board, but the person they put in charge seems notorious for spreading disinformation.  And they say this Board won’t affe

Two Party Conspiracy | Activate America
May 04, 2022

The Left is worried they will lose seats in this fall election due to Biden’s policies.  To keep those seats, they are working to keep America First candidates off the ballots and even charging insurr

Take Action For Freedom | Activate America
April 27, 2022

Fighting Communism is a constant battle.  We need to take action as patriots to keep our God-given rights.  But what do we do?  Learn more about what you can do using some of our Action Projects: Get

Is Your Property Next? | Activate America
April 20, 2022

Totalitarian government does not come in a flash. It may seem so to those who don’t know their history and the wiles of those who mean to rule the people when it does come. It really comes in incremen

Conservative False Solutions | Activate America
April 13, 2022

Policing, healthcare, trade, basic government fundamentals. These are issues that are vital to keeping America a free and independent nation. Unfortunately, there are many who are pushing false soluti

Inflation Blame Game | Activate America
April 05, 2022

Inflation is the undue expansion or increase of the currency of a country, so by definition, only Governments can cause inflation.  Biden has driven inflation by pushing stimulus bills and his Build B

Exposing Biden and the Conspiracy | Activate America
March 29, 2022

Even though Joe Biden recently mentioned it, there are still some people that don’t believe the conspiracy of the New World Order.  But Robert Welch and The John Birch Society exposed it back in the 1

Communist Manifesto Advances | Activate America
March 22, 2022

There’s a Pincer Movement going on, but not necessarily in the war in Ukraine.  Initiatives outlined in the Communist Manifesto utilize pressure from above and pressure from below. It is a tried-and-t

Biden’s New World Order | Activate America
March 16, 2022

Is Joe Biden incompetent, slow, a puppet?  Or is there a plan behind his actions?  Learn what Biden wrote in 1992 about why he wants a New World Order and how he’s making it a reality.  Arthur R. Thom

Building NWO Control | Activate America
March 10, 2022

Vladimir Putin wants to redraw the lines in Eastern Europe, by invading Ukraine.  But is there more to the story?  Changing the boundaries of countries, oil and energy, the push for more power and a O