Activate America

Activate America

Latest Episodes

Exposing Marxist Dr. King | Activate America
July 20, 2022

Dr. King’s words were famous but how did they compare to his actions?  Join Arthur R. Thompson as he explores those connected to Dr. Martin Luther King, along with the gap between words and actions an

Marxism In Your School | Activate America
July 13, 2022

There is an alphabet soup of groups that want to control what’s taught in your schools. Some of them are the National Education Association or NEA, the American Federation of Teachers or AFT, and Educ

Leftists Want You to Protest… | Activate America
July 05, 2022

With everything America is witnessing, those on the right need to be careful to never assume the tactics of the left. Art Thompson discusses how the left utilizes a pincer strategy and how it can back

Changing the Voters’ Minds | Activate America
June 29, 2022

Many may believe that Conservatives and Constitutionalists are the same, but they aren’t.  Just because we have conservatives in Congress, doesn’t mean they fully understand the Constitution and adher

Destroying Gun Rights? | Activate America
June 21, 2022

With mass shootings becoming more rampant, the government is looking to take away our guns.  That's exactly what the British intended to do at the start of the Revolutionary War.  History has proven,

Tyrannical School Security | Activate America
June 15, 2022

Calls for increasing security at schools is ramping up since the latest mass shootings. The ideas that have been put forth to rebuild the schools are similar to a fortress, better yet a prison. For in

Blindly Following Biden? | Activate America
June 08, 2022

Recent shootings have been all over the media.  Many are calling for something to be done about guns.  President Biden has said that no right is absolute.  That thinking could be very dangerous to not

Benedict Biden Exposed | Activate America
May 31, 2022

Today we want to ask a few questions about what you may know about Joe Biden’s agenda before we take a deeper look at Biden. Is Biden making mistakes? Is he fumbling around with no real direction? Is

Evils Behind Mass Shootings | Activate America
May 25, 2022

It seems almost every week there is a shooter going into a school to kill as many teachers and students as possible.  Many suggest solutions to these horrible shootings, but it’s at the cost of more g

Support Your Local Police | Activate America
May 18, 2022

This is National Police Week.  The John Birch Society has a longstanding campaign to Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent.  Learn more about the reasons we should keep our local Police