Activate America

Activate America

Latest Episodes

The Pandemic was no Accident…
June 09, 2021

This week, Art Thompson discusses China, Dr. Fauci's controversial emails, and his opinion on what the real cause of the pandemic was. Action Items: 1) Read about China's Deep State Connections in Art's book

Using Humor to Educate
June 02, 2021

Our neighbor to the north, Canada, has even worse pandemic edicts than we do in the U.S. You can be fined thousands of dollars if you leave your metropolitan area. Businesses that are ordered shut, can be fined even more, if they are found open.

Property Rights Under Attack
May 23, 2021

A Florida man had to take care of his mother’s estate out of state. He hired a guy to cut his lawn but that guy passed away and the lawn went uncut. That’s when the city stepped in and started to fine him per day for not mowing his lawn,
