IT Marketing Podcast

IT Marketing Podcast

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Top 10 MSP Marketing Activities to Do on a Weekend
July 29, 2016

Our poll on the lifestyles of IT professionals showed that many people work on the weekends. If you're going to do it (and I admit, I do it all the time), here's our list of the top 10 MSP Marketing activities you can do on a weekend. Some might...

July 2016 MSP Marketing Action Items
July 18, 2016

There's a growing opportunity in protecting companies from the uptick in ransomware and sophisticated phishing attacks. See our specific recommendations to get prospects to ask you for guidance and not your competitors — it could lead to more...

June 2016 MSP Marketing Idea: How to Use Security to Get Referrals
June 08, 2016

Here is a well-defined strategy to expand your ability to get referrals. First, I'll share a few things that I recommend you do this month. Then, I'll tie it all together to show how this can lead to more referrals with your contacts excited about...

How to Find Niche Markets That Need Your MSP Services
May 31, 2016

You might be limiting your company's growth just by focusing on too broad a market. People prefer to hire specialists to solve their problems rather than generalists. When you specialize, you become known as the expert in that industry. This can open...

May 2016 MSP Marketing Action Items
May 16, 2016

Providing your customers preventative measures that guard against security threats is a great way to inform without alarming. You can also share computer tips and shortcuts. Here are some specific ideas for May. 

How to Spot Phishing Attacks - Marketing Kit Now Available
May 04, 2016

Help protect your IT clients and prospects by showing them how to spot a phishing attempt before it infiltrates their computers. Our new How to Spot Phishing Attacks Marketing Kit gives you the educational resources you need to show prospects how to...

April 2016 MSP Marketing Action Items
April 12, 2016

We've already had many computer security issues this year. Be mindful of using too many security alerts to stay in touch with your prospects. They could become immune to the alerts if that's all they see. So, when a really important alert comes out,...

How to Host a Lunch and Learn
March 29, 2016

One very effective method to show off your expertise is to host a lunch and learn. It doesn't have to be at your office. Read how to plan, host and even offset the cost of your lunch and learn.

What Prospects Look for on Your MSP Website
March 22, 2016

If you are holding back on launching a marketing initiative until your website is redesigned, stop dragging your feet. Your new design will have no impact on whether someone will buy your IT services. Here's what people really want to see on your MSP...

March 2016 MSP Marketing Action Items
March 15, 2016

There are some big announcements you can make to your contacts this month that can get the phones ringing. Learn exactly what to say, plus learn how to get client testimonials and use loss leaders to attract new clients. Here are our specific IT...