IT Marketing Podcast

IT Marketing Podcast

Latest Episodes

How to Use a Loss Leader to Get More MSP Sales
March 07, 2016

Here are specific ways that you can create and use a loss leader to get more people interested in your IT services. It can help you close more MSP sales.

Customer Testimonial Template
February 29, 2016

Client testimonials create credibility with your prospects and encourages them to hire you. Here is a client testimonial template that you can use to get your customers to say nice things about your products and services.

How to Ask for a Client Testimonial
February 22, 2016

Client testimonials are a powerful marketing tactic. Here are the 3 best times to ask for a testimonial and exactly what you should say to your client to get useful words that will influence your prospects.

February 2016 IT Marketing Action Items
February 11, 2016

If one of your goals was to grow your business this year, implementing a targeted marketing plan will help you get there. Here are our specific IT marketing recommendations for February 2016.

The One Question to Ask at Every Initial Sales Meeting
February 03, 2016

Ask this question at every initial sales meeting so you know precisely what your next steps should be and who else needs to get involved to secure the sale.

How to Use Weather Forecasts to Get More Data Backup Clients
January 20, 2016

How to use the news about impending bad weather to your advantage to sell your data backup services.

January 2016 IT Marketing Action Items
January 12, 2016

What you do this month can shape the growth of your business in 2016. Here are our 4 marketing recommendations specifically for this January.

December 2015 IT Marketing Action Items
December 16, 2015

Here are our 4 marketing recommendations for December 2015 to help your IT company close the year strong and launch into 2016.

How to Create Blogs Really Fast
November 23, 2015

Posting useful IT articles can transform your MSP website from brochureware to an educational resource. Learn how to create relevant blog posts quickly.

The Most Important Text On Your MSP Website
November 16, 2015

Want more traffic to your MSP website? Be sure you are not making the most common mistake in getting ranked for relevant search terms.
