IT Marketing Podcast

IT Marketing Podcast

Latest Episodes

How to Turn a Tire Kicker into a Paying Customer
November 09, 2015

Use this sales strategy and clever line of questions to determine whether a prospect would be willing to pay for your services. Thanks to Stephen Reade of Outsource My IT for sharing this suggestion!

November 2015 IT Marketing Action Items
November 03, 2015

We've got about 6 working weeks left in 2015 before people start taking time off for the holidays. Here are 3 specific recommendations for IT marketing activities you can do this month to finish 2015 strong.

2 Questions You Must Ask at Every Initial Sales Meeting
October 26, 2015

If you've ever had a situation where you hear nothing but radio silence from a prospect after submitting your proposal, you may have forgotten to ask 2 very important questions. Here's what you MUST ask in every initial sales meeting.

Tips on Finding the Right SEO Consultant for Your Website
October 19, 2015

How to Tell If Your SEO Consultant is Lying About Their Abilities
