James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1063 - Case Study: Triple Revenue with Multiple Brands and Strategic SEO

March 20, 2024

01:49 - I owe Gert for some significant growth achieved through strategic SEO.

03:12 - Overcoming the challenges of family business dynamics calls for innovation and adaptation.

07:22 - Decreased revenue and potential business failure are two of the potential costs of stagnation.

08:59 - A shift to quality over quantity in content creation has become essential for staying competitive.

10:04 - Gert’s website overhaul involved auditing, optimizing the website, and focusing on conversion-driven content.

12:11 - Keyword research is important in enhancing conversions, with a focus on targeting traffic that drives sales.

13:21 - Maximizing impact with minimal content can lead to hitting the marketing bull's eye more efficiently, says Gert.

14:44 - Essential content for every website includes frequently asked questions and comprehensive guides for market research and relevance.

15:49 - Adapting to Google's content extraction is necessary in an SEO strategic plan, as it influences visibility and user engagement.

17:31 - In the strategic race in SEO, there’s a need to stay ahead with content that language models can understand.

19:02 - Speed of ranking depends on a site's authority and the type of content published.

20:18 - A successful SEO strategy of Gert’s involves cloning and optimizing for market dominance.

24:10 - Gert's strategic SEO solutions led to his client tripling their revenue, expanding operations, and considering further market dominance strategies.

25:44 - The easiest way to seek Gert's help is through SEOLeverage.com, where potential clients can assess their SEO process and discuss possibilities.