Inside Selling

Inside Selling

Latest Episodes

Kendall & Lily on How to Land Meetings With Celebrities in LA
May 22, 2022

Kendall James & Lily Drew on how to land meetings with celebrities in LA  and how to handle rejection.

2 Questions I Learned From a Sales Ninja
May 16, 2022

Two powerful sales questions I learned from a sales ninja.

A Cold Call Flow That Lowers Resistance
May 05, 2022

If you want to feel anxious when cold calling, make sure you’ve attached the outcome. Here's a way out.

How to Prevent Most Cold Call Objections
April 29, 2022

Here's a simple technique that might help you prevent most cold call objections. You're welcome :-).

Stay Away From This Phrase
April 25, 2022

Treat this phrase like a porcupine, don't touch it. Here's a phrase to use instead (and why).

Krista Hull: Building Trust By Being Radically Honest
April 14, 2022

Krista Hull on building trust be being radically honest.

Krista Hull: What to Say When You’re Ghosted
April 14, 2022

Krista Hull, Business Consultant at Nextep on what to say when prospects ghost you.

The Cliffhanger Voicemail
April 11, 2022

Voicemails that motivate prospects to respond.

Talking With an Upset Person
April 03, 2022

Here's a two-minute lecture on how to talk with someone who's angry or upset.

A Counterintuitive Way to Diffuse Objections
March 14, 2022

The best way to overcome objections isn't to overcome them.
